Deal Extraction Response in the JSON Format

The following code snippet illustrates how attribute/value pairs should be structured while receiving the deal extraction response in the JSON format:

            "personIdentifierType" :""
            "personIdentifier" :""
            "personId" :""
            "accountIdentifierType" :""
            "accountIdentifier" :""
            "accountId" :""
            "prsPerIdentifierType" :""
            "prsPerIdentifier" :""
            "prospectPersonId" :""
            "division" :""
            "dealIdentifier" :"",
            "dealInformation" :"",
            "dealId" :"",
            "modelId" :"",
            "dealEntityType" :"",
            "customerSegment" :"",
            "customerTier" :"",
            "division" :"",
            "accessGrp" :"",
            "dealEntityId" :"",
            "contractedDealFlag" :"",
            "currency" :"",
            "dealTypeCode" :"",
            "startDate" :"",
            "endDate" :"",
            "simulationTypeFlag" :"",
            "reviewFrequency" :"",
            "dealDescription" :"",
            "dealVersionDescription" :"",
            "dealFrequency" :"",
            "skipReferenceFlag" :"",
            "priceSelectionDate" :"",
            "usagePeriod" :"",
            "includeHierarchyFlag" :"",
            "status" :"",
            "dealVersionStatus" :"",
            "templateFlag" :"",
            "createdDate" :"",
            "acceptanceDate" :"",
            "finalizedDate" :"",
            "effectiveStartDate" :"",
            "effectiveEndDate" :"",
            "reviewedDate" :"",
        "templateReferenceDetails" :
            "templateDealId" :"",
            "templateDealIdentifier" :"",
            "templateModelId" :"",
            "copyBasicDetailsFlag" :"",
            "copyPricingFlag" :"",
            "copyUsageFlag" :"",
        "dealCharacteristics" :
            "effectiveDate" :"",
            "characteristicType" :"",
            "characteristicValue" :"",
        "dealTermsAndConditionsDetails" :
            "termsAndConditionsList" :
                "termsAndCondition" :"",
                "description" :"",
                "termsAndConditionText" :"",
        "productDetailsList" :
            "productCode" :"",
        "referenceDetails" :
            "referenceTypeFlg" :"",
            "refPersonIdentifierType" :"",
            "refPersonIdentifier" :"",
            "referPersonId" :"",
            "refAccountIdentifierType" :"",
            "refAccountIdentifier" :"",
            "referAccountId" :"",
            "referDealIdentifier" :"",
            "referenceDealId" :"",
            "referenceModelId" :"",
            "referUsageSw" :"",
            "referPriceSw" :"",
            "includeChildHierarchyFlag" :"",
            "division" :"",
        "dealComments" :
            "sequenceNo" :"",
            "commentsDateTime" :"",
            "user" :"",
            "dealComments" :"",
            "reasonCode" :"",
        "modelComments" :
            "sequenceNo" :"",
            "commentsDateTime" :"",
            "user" :"",
            "modelComments" :"",
        "adhocRevenueCostDetails" :
            "sequence" :"",
            "revenueTypeFlag" :"",
            "revenueCostGroupFlag" :"",
            "division" :"",
            "currency" :"",
            "amount" :"",
            "priceItem" :"",
        "dealSimulationDetails" :
        "dealFinancialSummaryDetails" :
            "approvalStatus" :"",
            "originalDealFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "proposedDealFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "recommenedDealFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "profitVariationPercentage" :"",
        "divisionFinancialSummaryDetails" :
            "division" :"",
            "approvalStatus" :"",
            "originalDivisionFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "proposedDivisionFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            <recommenedDealFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "profitVariationPercentage" :"",
        "productFinancialSummaryDetails" :
            "approvalStatus" :"",
            "product" :"",
            "division" :"",
            "originalProductFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "proposedProductDivisionFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "recommenedDealFinancialSummary" :
                "revenue" :"",
                "profit" :"",
                "profitabilityPercentage" :"",
            "profitVariationPercentage" :"",
    "hierarchySimulationDetails" :
        "hierarchyDetails" :
            "entityType" :"",
            "entityId" :"",
            "entityIdentifierTyoe" :"",
            "entityIdentifierValue" :"",
            "entityDivision" :"",
            "parentEntityId" :"",
            "parentEntityIdentifierType" :"",
            "parentEntityIdentifierValue" :"",
            "parentEntityDivision" :"",
            "status" :"",
            "revenueVariation" :"",
            "proposedRevenue" :"",
            "proposedCost" :"",
            "originalRevenue" :"",
            "originalCost" :"",
    "dealPricingAndCommitment" :
        "pricingAndCommitmentsDetails" :
            "entityId" :"",
            "entityType" :"",
            "entityIdentifierTyoe" :"",
            "entityIdentifierValue" :"",
            "entityDivision" :"",
            "pricingDetails" :
                "priceAsgnId" :"",
                "priceItemCode" :"",
                "priceItemDescription" :"",
                "hierarchyDetails" :"",
                "cost" :"",
                "revenue" :"",
                "averagePrice" :"",
                "variation" :"",
                "pricingStatus" :"",
                "priceCurrencyCode" :"",
                "rateSchedule" :"",
                "startDate" :"",
                "endDate" :"",
                "isEligible" :"",
                "assignmentLevel" :"",
                "paTypeFlag" :"",
                "printIfZero" :"",
                "priceAssignCharacteristics" :
                    "characteristicType" :"",
                    "effectiveDate" :"",
                    "characteristicValue" :"",
                "parameterDetails" :
                    "parameterCode" :"",
                    "parameterValue" :"",
                "txnDailyRatingCrt" :"",
                "ignoreSw" :"",
                "aggregateSw" :"",
                "scheduleCode" :"",
                "priceCompDetails" :
                    "priceCompId" :"",
                    "priceCompDesc" :"",
                    "valueAmt" :"",
                    "displaySw" :"",
                    "rcMapId" :"",
                    "tieredFlag" :"",
                    "priceCompSequenceNo" :"",
                    "priceCompTier" :
                        "tierSeqNum" :"",
                        "priceCriteria" :"",
                        "lowerLimit" :"",
                        "upperLimit" :"",
                        "priceCompParameterDetails" :
                            "parameterCode" :"",
                            "parameterValue" :"",
                    "priceCompElig" :
                        "sequenceNumber" :"",
                        "lhsPriceParmCd" :"",
                        "operator" :"",
                        "rhsPriceParmTypeFlg" :"",
                        "rhsPriceParmCd" :"",
                        "rhsPriceParmVal" :"",
                        "isTrueFlag" :"",
                        "isFalseFlag" :"",
                        "isInsufficientFlag" :"",
            "commitmentDetails" :
                "priceItemCode" :"",
                "priceItemDescription" :"",
                "parameterDetails" :
                    "parameterCode" :"",
                    "parameterValue" :"",
                "SQIDetails" :
                    "serviceQuantityIdentifier" :"",
                    "sqiValue" :"",
                    "sqiTypeFlg" :"",
            "termsAndConditionsDetails" :
                "priceItemCode" :"",
                "priceItemDescription" :"",
                "priceItemGroupCode" :"",
                "priceItemGroupCodeDescription" :"",
                "parameterDetails" :
                    "parameterCode" :"",
                    "parameterValue" :"",
                "termsAndConditionsList" :
                    "termsAndCondition" :"",
                    "description" :"",
                    "termsAndConditionText" :"",
        "entityId" :"",
        "entityType" :"",
        "entityIdentifierType" :"",
        "entityIdentifierValue" :"",
        "entityDivision" :"",
        "entityCharacteristicsList" :
            "effectiveDate" :"",
            "characteristicType" :"",
            "characteristicValue" :"",

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