Transactions REST Endpoints

Various transactions w.r.t. guest checks, non sale, point of sale journal logs, extensibility
Get guest check extensibility details
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getGuestCheckExtensibilityDetails
Get guest check line item extensibility details
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getGuestCheckLineItemExtDetails
Get guest checks
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getGuestChecks
Get non-sales transaction details
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getNonSalesTransactions
Get point of sale journal log details
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getPOSJournalLogDetails
Get point of sale waste details
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getPOSWasteDetails
Get SPI payment details
Method: post
Path: /bi/v1/{orgIdentifier}/getSPIPaymentDetails