Get guest checks



Gets all guest checks for a specified location that were opened on a specified business date or for a specified business date and also after a specified calendar date and time. If the guest check is reopened, it will be included if the reopen closed check business date falls into the specified business or if it was closed after the specified calendar date and time. In order to get the closed guest checks, use the search criteria on the clsdGuestChecksOnly attribute. At least one of the opnbusDt or cldBusDt need to be provided in the guest checks API request.


Path Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the details of the API request.
Root Schema : gstChkRequestPayload
Type: object
Request payload for guest checks
Show Source
  • Title: Application Name
    Maximum Length: 128
    The name of the application which is accessing the API.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Business Date
    If present, the API will return the superset of all guest checks where Open Business Date or Closed Business Date match to the supplied date. This parameter cannot be present if clsdBusDt or opnbusDt are present.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Changed Since Data Time UTC
    Report all guest check activity that has occurred since this UTC date and time for the specified business date.If this object is not included, return all guest check activity for the specified business date.
  • Title: Closed Business Date
    If present, the API will return all guest checks which were closed or reopen closed on the supplied business date. This parameter cannot be present if opnBusDt or busDt are present
  • Title: Closed Guest Checks Only
    Indicator whether the response includes only closed guest checks
  • Title: Include
    Maximum Length: 2000
    List of objects to include in response
  • Title: Location Reference
    Maximum Length: 99
    The location reference, this may be a store number or name depending on the organization
  • Title: Open Business Date
    If present, the API will return the guest checks which were opened or reopened on the supplied business date. This parameter cannot be present if clsdBusDt or busDt are present
  • Title: Revenue center number
    Maximum Length: 10
    Revenue center number for which the checks are to be fetched.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Search Criteria
    Maximum Length: 2000
    Search criteria to filter results based on field value
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : guestChecksResponse
Type: object
The response body contains information about the guest checks for the specified location and business date.
Show Source
Nested Schema : guestChecks
Type: array
An array of guest checks
Show Source
Nested Schema : guestCheck
Type: object
The response body contains information about the guest check for the specified location and business date.
Show Source
  • Title: Auto fire date time of the check
    The date and time the guest check was or is going to be auto fired in the location's timezone. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Auto fire date time of the check
    The date and time the guest check was or is going to be auto fired as a UTC time. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Auto Service Charge Total
    The autogratuity or auto service charge total associated with the check. This is optional. The detail also appears in as a service charge line item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Balance Due Total
    The balance due associated with this guest check, chkTtl ??? payTtl. If the check is closed, this will be 0.00.
  • Title: Cancel Flag
    A flag indicating if the guest check is cancelled. If the check is not cancelled, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Check Information
    Maximum Length: 99
    Information associated with the guest check. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Check Name
    Maximum Length: 99
    Unique identifier of the guest check associated with this transaction. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Check Number
    Maximum Length: 8
    Unique identifier of the guest check associated with this transaction
  • Title: Check Reference
    Maximum Length: 99
    Reference information of the guest check. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Check Total
    The total value of this guest check without payments.
  • Title: Closed Business Date
    The business date the guest check was closed. If the check is open, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Closed Flag
    A flag indicating if the guest check is closed. If the check is open, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null.
  • Title: Closed Business Date Time Local
    The date and time the guest check was closed in the location's timezone. If the check is open, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Closed Business Date Time UTC
    The date and time the guest check was closed as a UTC time. If the check is open, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.
  • detailLines
    Array of guest check detail line JSON objects. Each detail line contains information about a specific menu item, discount, service charge or tender/media. Detail lines are presented in sequence.
  • Title: Discount Total
    The total value of discounts on this guest check.
  • Title: Employee Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the employee responsible for this guest check
  • Title: Guest Count
    The guest count associated with thus guest check. This is optional. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.
  • Title: Guest Check ID
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique Identifier of the guest check
  • Title: Last Updated Date Time Local
    The date and time of the last transaction update to the guest check in the location's timezone.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Last Updated Date Time UTC
    The date and time of the last transaction update to the guest check as a UTC time.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Last Updated Date Time Local
    The date and time the guest check was last updated in the cloud in the location's timezone.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Last Updated Date Time UTC
    The date and time the guest check was last updated in the cloud as a UTC time.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Order Channel number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the order channel. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.

    First available version 20.1.15

  • Title: Open Business Date
    The business date the guest check was opened.
  • Title: Open Business Date Time Local
    The date and time the guest check was opened in the location's timezone.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Open Business Date Time UTC
    The date and time the guest check was opened as a UTC time
  • Title: Order Type Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the order type associated with this guest check.
  • Title: Pay Total
    The total value of payments on this guest check.
  • Title: Reopen Closed Check Closed Business Date
    The business date a reopened closed guest check was closed. If the check was not reopened, the object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.
  • Title: Reopen Closed Check Closed Business Date Time Local
    The date and time a reopened guest check was closed in the location's timezone. If the check was not reopened, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Reopen Closed Check Closed Business Date Time UTC
    The date and time a reopened guest check was closed as a UTC time. If the check was not reopened, this object is not present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.
  • Title: Reopen from Check Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The unique identifier of the check from which the current check was reopened. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Reopen to Check Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The unique identifier of the check to which the current check was reopened. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Rounding Total
    Currency rounding total. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.
  • Title: Revenue Center Number
    Maximum Length: 10
    The number of the revenue center associated with this guest check
  • Title: Reopen to Check Numner
    Maximum Length: 16
    The unique identifier of the check from which the current check was split. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Sub Total
    The subtotal value associated with the guest check.
  • Title: Service Charge Total
    The service charge (executing auto services charge) associated with this guest check. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Tax Collected Total
    The total tax collected for the guest check
  • taxes
    An array of taxes that are associated with the guest check
  • Title: Tax Exempt Sales Total
    The total of the sales that is exempted from tax. Applicable for add-on taxes only
  • Title: Table Name
    Maximum Length: 99
    The table associated with this guest check. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Table Number
    Maximum Length: 8
    The table number associated with the check. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Tip Total
    The tip total. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Transfer Status
    Maximum Length: 1
    Transfer status of the guest check
    X - Transfer
    A - Add. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Transfer to Check Number
    Maximum Length: 8
    Number of the check to which the check is transferred. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

Nested Schema : detailLines
Type: array
Array of guest check detail line JSON objects. Each detail line contains information about a specific menu item, discount, service charge or tender/media. Detail lines are presented in sequence.
Show Source
Nested Schema : taxes
Type: array
An array of taxes that are associated with the guest check
Show Source
Nested Schema : guestCheckDetailLine
Type: object
The response body contains information about the guest check detail line for the specified guest check
Show Source
  • Title: Aggregate Quantity
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the workstation where the line item was modified
  • Title: Aggregate Total
    Aggregate total of the line item
  • Title: Detail Business Date
    Business Date when the line item was entered
  • Title: Cashier Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the cashier of the line item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Check Employee Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the employee who has entered the check
  • Title: Detail Date Time Local
    The date and time this detail line was entered in the location's timezone.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Detail Date Time UTC
    The UTC date and time this detail line was entered.
  • guestCheckDiscount
    If this detail line is a discount, a discount JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a discount
  • Title: DoNot Show Flag
    A flag indicating if the line item is not shown on the check. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null
  • Title: Display Quantiy
    Maximum Length: 16
    Displayed quantity of the line item
  • Title: Display Total
    Display total of the line item
  • Title: Detail ID
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the line item
  • Title: Order channel identifier
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the order channel associated with this guest check detail. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.

    First available version 20.1.15

  • Title: Detail Order Type Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the order type associated with this guest check detail. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Error Correct Flag
    A flag indicating if this detail item is an error correct. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null
  • guestCheckErrorCorrect
    If this detail line is a error correct, a errorCorrect JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a error correct.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Guest Check Line Item ID
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the guest check line item
  • Title: Last Updated Date Time Local
    The date and time the transaction was updated or inserted in the cloud in the location's timezone.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Last Updated Date Time UTC
    The date and time the transaction was updated or inserted in the cloud as a UTC time.

    First Available Version: 20.1.12

  • Title: Line Number
    Maximum Length: 5
    The line number of this detail line.
  • guestCheckMenuItem
    If this detail line is a menu item, a menu item JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a menu item
  • Title: Manager Employee Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the manager of the employee who has entered the transaction. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • guestCheckOtherDetails
    If this detail line is any other type like reference, transfer, error correct, a other JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is a menu item, discount, service charge or tender media
  • Title: Parent Detail ID
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the parent line item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Preparation Cost
    Preparation Cost of the line item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Check Information
    Maximum Length: 99
    Any manually entered text associated with this detail item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Check Information
    Maximum Length: 99
    Any manually entered text associated with this detail item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Reason Code Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Reason code number. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Revenue Center Number
    Maximum Length: 10
    The number of the revenue center associated with this line item.

    First Available Version: 20.1.16

  • guestCheckServiceCharge
    If this detail line is a service charge, a service charge JSON object will be present.Note autogratuity also appears here. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a service charge
  • Title: Service Round Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Service Round Number
  • guestCheckTenderMedia
    If this detail line is a tender/media, a tender/media JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a tender media
  • Title: Transaction Employee Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Unique identifier of the employee who has entered the transaction. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is same as check employee
  • Title: Void Flag
    A flag indicating if this detail item is a voided item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null
  • Title: Weight
    Weight or Volume of the line item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Workstation Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the workstation where the line item was modified
Nested Schema : guestCheckDiscount
Type: object
If this detail line is a discount, a discount JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a discount
Show Source
  • Title: Comma separated string of tax numbers that are active on the discount
    Comma separated string of tax numbers that are active on the discount. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Discount Menu Item Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number associated with the menu item that is discounted. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Discount Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number associated with this discount
  • Title: Total of the inclusive tax on the discounted item
    Total of the inclusive tax on the discounted item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Meal Employee Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    If this is an employee meal, the number associated with the employee. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: VAT Tax Total
    Total of the vat tax on the discounted item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
Nested Schema : guestCheckErrorCorrect
Type: object
If this detail line is a error correct, a errorCorrect JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a error correct.

First Available Version: 20.1.10

Show Source
  • Title: Object Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    Object number of the detail line that is error corrected.

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

  • Title: Type
    Maximum Length: 16
    The type of the detail line which is error corrected.
    1 - Menu Item
    2 - Service Charge

    First Available Version: 20.1.10

Nested Schema : guestCheckMenuItem
Type: object
If this detail line is a menu item, a menu item JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a menu item
Show Source
  • Title: Active Taxes
    Comma separated string of tax numbers that are active on the menu item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Combo Group Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the combo group associated with the menu item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Combo Meal Sequence Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The sequence number of the combo meal. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Combo Side Sequence Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The sequence number of the combo side item. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Inclusive Tax
    The tax included in this menu item's price. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null
  • Title: Menu Item Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number of the menu item
  • Title: Modifier flag
    Flag specifying whether the line item is a modifier or not. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null.

    Requires Simphony 19.6

  • Title: Modifier prefix
    Maximum Length: 16
    If this item is a modifier, this is the modifier prefix. Possible values: 1 = DESCRIPTOR, 2 = NO, 3 = ADD, 4 = SUB, 5 = PLAIN, 6 = RESET. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.

    Requires Simphony 19.6

  • Title: Price Level
    Maximum Length: 16
    Price Level of the menu item
  • Title: Return Flag
    Flag indicating if this menu item is being returned. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is false or null
Nested Schema : guestCheckOtherDetails
Type: object
If this detail line is any other type like reference, transfer, error correct, a other JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is a menu item, discount, service charge or tender media
Show Source
  • Title: Detail Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number associated with the other detail. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Detail Type
    Maximum Length: 16
    The type of the gust check line item detail. The following are the different detail types that could be returned:
    5 - Reference
    6 - Reference
    7 - Transfer
    11 - CreditAuth
    12 - CreditVoucher
Nested Schema : guestCheckServiceCharge
Type: object
If this detail line is a service charge, a service charge JSON object will be present.Note autogratuity also appears here. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a service charge
Show Source
  • Title: Comma separated string of tax numbers that are active on the service charge
    Comma separated string of tax numbers that are active on the service charge. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Total of the inclusive tax on the taxable service charge
    Total of the inclusive tax on the taxable service charge. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is 0 or null.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Service Charge Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number associated with this service charge
Nested Schema : guestCheckTenderMedia
Type: object
If this detail line is a tender/media, a tender/media JSON object will be present. This attribute will not be returned in the response if detail type is not a tender media
Show Source
  • Title: Meal Employee Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    If this is an employee meal, the number associated with the employee. This attribute will not be returned in the response if value is null
  • Title: Tender Media Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number associated with this tender/media.
Nested Schema : guestCheckTax
Type: object
The aggregated tax totals for a given tax associated with the guest check
Show Source
  • Title: Tax Collected Total
    The total tax collected for this tax number in the check.
  • Title: Tax Number
    Maximum Length: 16
    The number associated with tax.
  • Title: VAT Tax Rate associated with the tax number
    The VAT Tax Rate associated with the tax number on the check.

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Tax Type associated with the tax number
    The Tax Type associated with the tax number on the check.
    Possible values:
    1 = Breakpoint add-on
    2 = Add-on percentage
    3 = Inclusive
    4 = Surcharge
    5 = Open

    First Available Version:

  • Title: Taxable Sales Total
    The taxable sales associated with this tax number for the check.

400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
Show Source

401 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
Show Source

403 Response

Service Unavailable
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
Show Source

404 Response

Resource Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
Show Source

Default Response

Unexpected Error
Body ()
Root Schema : exceptionDetailType
Type: object
Error details
Show Source
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The following example shows how to get the guest checks for a specified location and closed business date after a given date time by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL

curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 
   " -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d {"locRef":"1234","rvcNum": 1, "clsdBusDt":"2020-10-20", "changedSinceUTC":"2020-10-20T16:00:00"} https://baseurl/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getGuestChecks 

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:24:33 GMT  Transfer-Encoding: chunked  Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

 "curUTC": "2020-10-20T16:42:42",
 "locRef" : "SAC",
 "guestChecks": [
  "guestCheckId": 829084,
  "chkNum": 9735,
  "chkName": "Check",
  "opnBusDt": "2020-10-20",
  "opnUTC": "2020-10-20T15:41:54",
  "opnLcl": "2020-10-20T11:41:54",
  "clsdBusDt": "2020-10-20",
  "clsdUTC": "2020-10-20T16:20:44",
  "clsdLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:44",
  "reopnClsdChkClsdBusDt": "2020-10-20",
  "reopnClsdChkClsdUTC": "2020-10-20T16:20:44",
  "reopnClsdChkClsdLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:44",
  "lastUpdatedUTC": "2020-10-20T16:20:45",
  "lastUpdatedLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
  "lastTransUTC": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
  "lastTransLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
  "clsdFlag": true,
  "cancelFlag": false,
  "gstCnt": 2,
  "subTtl": 16.66,
  "autoSvcTtl": 0.00,
  "svcChgTtl": 3.5,
  "taxExmpSlsTtl": 0.00,
  "taxCollTtl": 0.83,
  "chkTtl": 20.99,
  "dscTtl": -5,
  "payTtl": 15.00,
  "tipTotal": 3.5,
  "balDueTtl": 0.99,
  "rndTtl": 21.00,
  "reopnFrmChk": 9736,
  "reopnToChk": 9738,
  "spltFrmChk": 9735,
  "rvcNum": 1,
  "ocNum": 2,
  "otNum": 12,
  "tblNum": 1,
  "tblName": "5",
  "empNum": 258,
  "chkInfo": "Check Info",
  "chkRef": "Check Reference",
  "xferStatus": "X",
  "xferToChkNum": 8,
  "autoFireUTC": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
  "autoFireLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
  "taxes": [
   "taxNum": 1,
   "txblSlsTtl": 12.34,
   "taxCollTtl": 0.83,
   "taxRate": 19,
   "taxType": 3
  "detailLines": [
   "guestCheckLineItemId": 9433187,
   "lineNum": 1,
   "dtlId": 17,
   "parDtlId": 0,
   "detailUTC": "2020-10-20T15:42:08",
   "detailLcl": "2020-10-20T11:42:08",
   "busDt": "2020-10-20",
   "lastUpdatedUTC": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
   "lastUpdatedLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
   "rvcNum": 152,
   "prepCost": 0.481,
   "weight": 1.23,
   "vdFlag": false,
   "errCorFlag": false,
   "wsNum": 6,
   "refInfo1": "reference info 1",
   "refInfo2": "reference info 2",
   "dspTtl": 2.09,
   "dspQty": 1,
   "aggTtl": 2.09,
   "aggQty": 1,
   "doNotShowFlag": false,
   "chkEmpNum": 69405,
   "transEmpNum": 69405,
   "mgrEmpNum": null,
   "rsnCodeNum": null,
   "svcRndNum": 1,
   "cashierNum": null,
   "dtlOcNum": 2,
   "dtlOtNum": 123,
   "menuItem": {
    "miNum": 3401,
    "comboMealSeq": 1,
    "comboSideSeq": 1,
    "comboGrpNum": 101,
    "modFlag": false,
    "modPrfx": 1,
    "inclTax": 0,
    "returnFlag": false,
    "activeTaxes": {1},
    "prcLvl": 1
   "guestCheckLineItemId": 9433353,
   "lineNum": 21,
   "dtlId": 37,
   "parDtlId": 20,
   "detailUTC": "2020-10-20T16:06:06",
   "detailLcl": "2020-10-20T12:06:06",
   "busDt": "2020-10-20",
   "prepCost": 0,
   "vdFlag": false,
   "errCorFlag": false,
   "wsNum": 5,
   "refInfo1": "SV012003621910405",
   "refInfo2": null,
   "dspTtl": -2.19,
   "dspQty": 1,
   "aggTtl": -2.19,
   "aggQty": 0,
   "doNotShowFlag": true,
   "chkEmpNum": 69405,
   "transEmpNum": 69405,
   "mgrEmpNum": null,
   "rsnCodeNum": null,
   "svcRndNum": 4,
   "cashierNum": null,
   "dtlOtNum": 123,
   "discount": {
    "dscNum": 210,
    "dscMiNum": 1509,
    "mealEmpNum": null,
    "vatTaxTtl": 0,
    "inclTax": 123.456789,
    "activeTaxes": "1,2,5"
   "guestCheckLineItemId": 9433400,
   "lineNum": 3,
   "dtlId": 0,
   "parDtlId": 0,
   "detailUTC": "2020-10-20T16:20:45",
   "detailLcl": "2020-10-20T12:20:45",
   "busDt": "2020-10-20",
   "prepCost": 0,
   "vdFlag": false,
   "errCorFlag": false,
   "wsNum": 5,
   "refInfo1": null,
   "refInfo2": null,
   "dspTtl": 3.5,
   "dspQty": 1,
   "aggTtl": 3.5,
   "aggQty": 1,
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