Example 1: Typical Menu Item

  • A typical menu item does not have modFlag or modPrfx attributes set.

  • It is not linked to a parent line item.

The following section shows a sample JSON response.


Object values in bold are followed by forward slashes that describe object sample values.

Sample JSON Response

    "curUTC": "2023-11-01T19:57:35",
    "locRef": "LOC1",
    "guestChecks": [
            "opnBusDt": "2023-11-01",
            "chkNum": 2724,
            "chkTtl": 8,
            "detailLines": [
                    "lineNum": 1,
                    "dtlId": 1,
                    "parDtlId": null,
                    "aggQty": 1,
                    "aggTtl": 8,
                    "menuItem": {
                        "miNum": 1,		//1 - soda bottle
                        "modFlag": 0,		//0 - menu item is not a condiment
                        "modPrfx": null		//null - not a condiment prefix
                    "lineNum": 2,
                    "dtlId": 2,
                    "parDtlId": null,
                    "aggQty": 1,
                    "aggTtl": 8,
                    "tenderMedia": {
                        "tmedNum": 1		//1 - cash