Example 4: Menu Item with Two Default Condiments and One Removed

  • The modifier flag is set to true for the condiments.

  • The modPrfx attribute is set to 2 (= "No") for the prefix modifier line item.

  • Modifier prefixes for Sub, Plain, or Description follow the same logic, but their modPrfx value is different. The Description modifier prefix points to a menu item that represents the actual description.

  • The condiment is linked to its parent item through the parDtlId attribute.

The following section shows a sample JSON response.


Object values in bold are followed by forward slashes that describe object sample values.

Sample JSON Response

    "curUTC": "2023-11-01T19:57:35",
    "locRef": "LOC1",
    "guestChecks": [
            "opnBusDt": "2023-11-01",
            "chkNum": 2729,
            "chkTtl": 10,
            "detailLines": [
                    "lineNum": 1,
                    "dtlId": 1,
                    "parDtlId": null,
                    "aggQty": 1,
                    "aggTtl": 10,
                    "menuItem": {
                        "miNum": 1,        //1 - sandwich    
                        "modFlag": 0,      //0 - not a condiment
                        "modPrfx": null    //Null - not a condiment prefix 
                    "lineNum": 2,
                    "dtlId": 2,
                    "parDtlId": 1,        //1 - link to sandwich parent item 	
                    "aggQty": 0,          //0 - indicates item was removed 	
                    "aggTtl": null,
                    "menuItem": {
                        "miNum": 2,       //2 - tomatoes 
                        "modFlag": 1,     //1 - condiment 	
                        "modPrfx": null   //Null - not a condiment prefix 
                    "lineNum": 3,
                    "dtlId": 3,
                    "parDtlId": 2,        //2 - link to item removed with this prefix modifier (tomatoes) 	
                    "aggQty": 1,
                    "aggTtl": null,
                    "menuItem": {
                        "miNum": 8,       //8 - NO 
                        "modFlag": 1,     //1 - condiment	
                        "modPrfx": 2      //2 - "NO" prefix 
                    "lineNum": 4,
                    "dtlId": 4,
                    "parDtlId": 1,        //1 - link to sandwich parent item 	
                    "aggQty": 1,
                    "aggTtl": null,
                    "menuItem": {
                        "miNum": 3,       //3 - onions 
                        "modFlag": 1,     //1 - condiment 
                        "modPrfx": null   //Null - not a condiment prefix 
                    "lineNum": 5,
                    "dtlId": 5,
                    "parDtlId": null,
                    "aggQty": 1,
                    "aggTtl": 10,
                    "tenderMedia": {
                        "tmedNum": 1      //1 - cash 