Reporting or Data Warehousing Using Operations Daily Total

Follow the procedure below to get daily operational summary data for all your authorized locations using the Oracle Micros Business Intelligence REST API.


  • Ensure that the BI API account is created and assigned to the desired organizational level with required data access permissions. See Obtain Account Information.

  • This use case requires the API account to have the Sales and Operations data access permission.

  • The cURL command examples use the URL structure https://rest_server_url/resource-path, where rest_server_url is the REST server to contact for your identity domain. See Send Requests.

To get the daily operational summary data:

  1. Obtain a valid OAuth token for your API account. See Authenticate.
  2. Get the list of your authorized locations using the getLocationDimensions API.

    Request Body

    curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://baseurl/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getLocationDimensions

    Example of Response Body

            "locRef": "1234",
            "name": "McLean VA",
            "openDt": "2010-07-20",
            "active": true,
            "srcName": "Simphony",
            "srcVer": "18.2",
            "tz": "America/Denver",
            "curr": "USD",
                 "wsName": "register 1"
  3. Take a location from the list of locations received in the response for Step 2. Get the latest business date for that location using the getLatestbusinessDate API call as below.

    Request Body

    curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d {"locRef":"1234"} https://baseurl/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getLatestBusinessDate

    Example of Response Body

        "curUTC": "2020-10-20T15:15:00",
        "locRef": "1234",
        "latestBusDt": "2020-10-20"
  4. Get operational summary for the day for the current business date and location.

    Request Body

    curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d {"locRef":"1234","busDt":"2020-10-20"} https://baseurl/bi/v1/orgidentifier/getOperationsDailyTotals

    Example of Response Body

        "locRef": "1234,
        "busDt": "2020-10-20",
            "rvcNum": 123,
            "netSlsTtl": 1234.56,
            "itmDscTtl": 1234.56,
            "subDscTtl": 1234.56,
            "svcTtl": 1234.56,
            "nonRevSvcTtl": 1234.56,
            "rtrnCnt": 123,
            "rtrnTtl": 1234.56,
            "credTtl": 1234.56,
            "rndTtl": 123.45,
            "chngInGrndTtl": 1234.56,
            "nonTxblSlsTtl": 1234.56,
            "txblSlsTtl": 1234.56,
            "taxExmptSlsTtl": 1234.56,
            "taxCollTtl": 1234.56,
            "slsFcst": 1234.56,
            "prepCostTtl": 1234.56,
            "numTbl": 10,
            "tblTurnCnt": 101,
            "chkCnt": 123,
            "waitPtyCnt": 123,
            "waitTimeInMins": 12
            "gstCnt": 123,
            "dineTimeInMins": 34,
            "parkCarCnt": 123,
            "drvThruTimeInMins": 12,
            "vdTtl": 1234.56,
            "vdCnt": 123,
            "errCorTtl": 1234.56,
            "errCorCnt": 123,
            "mngrVdTtl": 1234.56,
            "mngrVdCnt": 123,
            "transCnclTtl": 123.45,
            "transCnclCnt": 123,
            "carryoverTtl": 123.45,
            "carryoverCnt": 123,
            "chkOpnTtl": 1234.56,
            "chkOpnCount": 123,
            "chkXferInTtl": 1234.56,
            "chkXferInCnt": 123,
            "chkXferOutTtl": 1234.56,
            "chkXferOutCnt": 123,
            "chkClsdTtl": 1234.56,
            "chkClsdCnt": 123,
            "overShortTtl": 1234.56,
            "noSlsCnt": 123
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for all locations in the Step 2 response.
  6. This returns the daily operational summary for all the locations for a given business date.
  7. Steps 3 through 5 can be performed on a daily basis for every business date to pull the operational summary data for warehousing or reporting needs.