
This patch contains bug fixes.

Log in to the Support Portal and then click Document DOC8285 to see a list of bugs fixed in the patch.

Reporting and Analytics

20.1.12 introduces the following changes:
  • Added fields to the getGuestChecks and the getControlDailyTotals endpoints of the Business Intelligence (BI) API to allow clients to identify when transactions were completed at the point of sale (POS) as well as when they were inserted or updated in the cloud.

    • Added lastTransUTC and lastTransLcl fields to the check header array (getGuestChecks).

    • Added lastUpdatedUTC and lastUpdatedLcl fields to the check detail lines array (getGuestChecks).

    • Added lastUpdatedUTC and lastUpdatedLcl fields to getControlDailyTotals.

  • Added modification PSP reference details to Payment Chargeback, Payout, and Transaction self-service export subject areas, as well as to the relevant BI API endpoints.

  • Added default employee class details to the getEmployeeDimensions API.

  • Added auto fire date and time information to the getGuestChecks API to identify when a guest check was or is going to be auto fired.

  • Expanded fiscal data access capabilities. The new "json" field can contain data formatted as JSON. Its availability and content are dependent on your country's fiscal integration.

    • Added a new field to each of the fiscal data APIs. See Fiscal Transactions REST Endpoints for more details.

    • Added the same new field to the fiscal subject areas within the self-service exports module.

  • Added new fields to the Inventory and General Ledger Standard exports. They are available in the v1.22 specification of the exports. The fields have also been added to the relevant self-service export subject areas. See the Oracle Hospitality Enterprise Back Office Standard Export User Guide for more details.

    • Inventory Item Records (INV)

      • IM Inventory Item Number

      • IM Inventory Item Code

    • Purchase Order Records (PO)

      • IM Purchase Order Number

    • Purchase Order Details Records (PODTL)

      • IM Purchase Order Number

    • Receipt Records (RCPT)

      • IM Purchase Order Number

    • Receipt Details Records (RCPTDTL)

      • IM Purchase Order Number

      • IM Vendor Reference Number

    • Transfer Records (XFER)

      • IM Inventory Item Code

    • Check Header (CHDR)

      • Open Day Part Name

      • Close Day Part Name

  • Added Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) Payment Transaction information to Direct Database Access. See the "VRO_SPI_PAYMENT_DETAILS_V1" section of the Oracle MICROS Database Access Cloud Service Reference Guide for more details.

Simphony Inventory

20.1.12 introduces the following changes for enterprises subscribed to Oracle MICROS Simphony Inventory:
  • Assign data permissions related to Simphony Inventory reports to Reporting roles.

  • Enhancement of user management to allow assignment of a Simphony Inventory role to grant access to Simphony Inventory.

  • Authorized users can access Simphony Inventory through a new link in the side menu.

  • Added several new reports within the Inventory report category related to ordering, receiving, transfer, usage, cost of sales, and inventory counts.

Labor Management

20.1.12 introduces the following changes: