Comparing to Historical or Forecasted Data


Forecast for the current view based on the last six weeks of historical data.

This image shows the view of the last six weeks of data.

Last Week

Data from the same day last week.

This image shows the view of the same day last week.

Last Year

Data from the same day last year. For example, if today is Tuesday, January 10, InMotion shows data from the second Tuesday of January last year.

This image shows the same day last year.


Only for Today. Shows totals for the last six weeks and a forecasted total for the next two weeks.

This image shows totals for the last six weeks and the forecasted total for the next two weeks.

Current Hour

Only for weekly views. Compares the performance for the current day to other days by the current hour. For example, if you are viewing sales at 1:30 pm, this shows the sales total at the 1:00 pm mark for each of the past days.

This image shows performance for the current day compared to other days during the same hour.