Creating a New Job

  1. Click Maintenance, click Scheduler, and then click Create Job.
  2. Select the Job Type, and then click OK.

    Refer to Scheduler Jobs for a list of all available jobs.

  3. Select the Start Date for the job, and then select the one of the following Execution Rules:
    • Run Once: Select this option to run the job one time at the indicated date and time.

    • Periodically, every: Select this option to run the job on a regular basis. In the adjacent fields, indicate how often the job runs. Choose a time frame from minutes, hours and days.

  4. To send an email notification when the job runs, select Send E-mail notification, and then select the appropriate options:
    • Only if Job Fails: Select this option to send an email only if the job fails.

    • Job Owner : Select this option to sent the email to only the user who created the job.

    • Owner’s Role: Select this option to send an email to all users belonging to the same role as the job owner.

    • Owner’s Cost Center: Select this option to send an email to all users belonging to the same cost center as the job owner.

  5. If you are configuring an Auto Document Purge job, for each document type, enter the number of days that elapse before purging.

    The minimum value is 30 days, except for Suspended Inventory, which is 60 days. The maximum value is 999 days. The system purges only the documents that have the number of days specified when the job runs. Purging is based on the document date, not the date when the document was created.

  6. Click Save.

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