Creating a Recipe

  1. Click Production, and then click Recipes.
  2. Click Create Recipe, enter the Recipe Name, and then click OK.

    The ability to create a recipe is based on user rights. If you do not have the rights to create a recipe, the system grays out the Create Recipes button.

  3. On the Ingredients tab, enter the Recipe Group, enter the Major Group, and then click Save to activate the buttons at the bottom of the page.
  4. Scroll down to the end of the page, and then click New Ingredient.
  5. Select the Ingredient Type, and then depending on your selection, enter the following details:
    • Item Group: Enter the item group for the ingredient.

    • Categories: Enter the category type for the ingredient.

    • Recipe Group: Enter the recipe group for the ingredient.

    • Item: Enter the item name.

    • Recipe: Enter the recipe name.

    • Expense: Enter the expense name.

    • Ingredient Information: Enter information about the ingredient.

    • POT QTY: Enter the potential quantity used for the ingredient in this recipe.

    • Stand. Portion: Specify the standard portion of the ingredient.

    • Weight: Select the weight of the ingredient’s standard portion.

    • COS: Displays the recipe’s Cost of Sales.

    • Volume: Select the volume of the ingredient’s standard portion.

    • Text: Enter descriptive text.

    • Loss/2nd Loss: Enter the loss/2nd loss value as a percentage.

    • Excl. Depl.: Exclude an ingredient from stock depletion.

    • Valid from: Enter the start date for the ingredient’s validity.

    • Valid Until: Enter the end date for the ingredient’s validity.

    • Preparation Type: Specify the preparation type. Preparation types describe how ingredients are prepared for use (chopped, minced, steamed, peeled, etc.) in recipes.

    • ACT QTY: Enter the quantity after calculating the loss and second loss.

    • Note: Enter any relevant notes.

  6. Click Add.
  7. Repeat Steps 5 through 6 until you add all the recipe ingredients, and then click Close.
  8. To apply a visibility criteria, click Visibility, assign the Visibility Category and the Cost Centers for which the new recipe exists, and then click Save.

    Visibility criteria only applies to those using the feature.

  9. (Optional) Select other options as-needed:
    • Corporate Recipe: Select this option to designate the recipe as a Corporate Recipe. Only users with Manage Corporate Recipe rights can edit Corporate Recipes. All other users can click Save As.. to save the recipe for local modification.

    • Inactive Recipe: Select this option to set the recipe status to Inactive. Inactive recipes are hidden from standard inventory management operations.

    • Use for Weighed Menu Item: Select this option to flag the item as a menu item sold by weight, such as lobster. See Weighed Stock Depletion for more information

  10. (Optional) On the Ingredients tab, enter the following details:
    • Recipe Yields: Enter the amount that the recipe yields and the type (for example, each, portion, pound, and so on).

    • Portion Size: Enter the portion size.

      Plan portion sizes carefully. Recipes are added to other recipes by portion and easy math is always a good idea. For example, a batch of soup equals 360 ounces, a cup of soup equals 6 ounces, and a bowl of soup equals 10 ounces. Measure portions in ounces so portions are easy to use in any of the recipes. It would be poor planning to make a portion size in pints as pints cannot be easily broken into a 6 ounce soup cup or a 10 ounce soup bowl.

    • S. Price: Enter the sales price of one portion.

    • Production Loss: Enter the percentage of loss that is generated through the creation of this recipe.

    • COS%: Enter the Cost of Sales.

    • CM: Enter the Contribution Margin.

    • CM%: Enter the Contribution Margin percentage.

    • MU%: Enter the Markup percentage.

  11. To configure the recipe as a production item:
    1. Click the Prod. Item button adjacent to the Production Item field, and then select the Item Type
    2. To create a new production item, select New, and then enter the Item Group.
    3. To link to an existing production item, select Existing, and then enter the name of the existing item.
    4. Click Create/Link (PA) Item.
  12. (Optional) Click the Details tab, and then enter the following:
    • Name in Menu: Enter the name of the item in the menu. For example, you have a menu item called a Monster Burger, but in the kitchen it shows 2X 1/4lb patty hamburger.

    • Product Specification: Enter any product specifications.

    • Serving Instructions: Enter any instructions on how to serve, garnish, or deliver this recipe to the customer (for example, include steak knife).

  13. To add an image of the recipe, on the Details tab, click Set, select the appropriate image name from the list, and then click OK.

    The image can include preparation pictures, plating examples, and so on.

  14. (Optional) Click the Production tab, and then enter the following details:
    • Preparation Area: Enter the location where in the restaurant the recipe is prepared.

    • Expires In: Enter how many days in advance the recipe can be made and used. For example, you determine cheesecake has a shelf life of three to seven days. If the cheesecake is made on March 1, you throw it away by March 7.

    • Use in Inventory Counts: Select this option if you want the system to count the recipe as an item in inventory counts. Recipes counted as items must be pulled into an inventory count or list, allowing it to be added to a storage location.

    • Production Instruction: Enter any instructions on creating this recipe from a production point of view.

    • Info: Enter any additional details regarding the recipe in this field.

    • To Read: Select this option to allow anyone who has access to this module to view anything you entered in the info field. Not setting this option enables only the author to view the information.

  15. (Optional) Click the Categories tab, and then enter the following:
    • Categories Option: Click Category Type entries to assign them to the recipe.

  16. To specify the nutrient calculation method for the recipe,
    1. Click the Nutrients tab, and then select the appropriate method:
      • Calculated Nutrients: Select this option to use nutrient information from each ingredient as set in the Master Data module.

      • Manually Assigned Nutrients: Select this option to enter nutrient information yourself.

    2. If you selected Manually Assigned Nutrients as the Nutrient Calculation Method, enter the nutrient amount in the recipe for each nutrient group.
    3. Click the Nutrient Status drop-down, and then select an option:
      • Unapproved: Sets the nutrient status to Unapproved.

      • For Authorization: Sets the nutrient status to For Authorization.

  17. Click Save.