Configuring Employee Work Hours and Availability

  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Labor Management, click Human Resources, and then click Employee Availability.
  2. Select the employee, and then click Edit.
  3. In the Employee Work Rules section, enter the minimum and maximum hours that the employee can work per week and per day.
  4. To add an availability setting:
    1. In the Employee Availability section, click Add.
    2. In the Time Segment drop-down, select whether to create an unavailability period, a period where the employee is available for on-call scheduling, and a preferred time period for scheduling.
    3. Select the start and end day of the week for the segment. Labor Management automatically repeats the rule every week until you delete or modify the rule.
    4. Select the start and end times for the segment, or select All Day Event to designate the entirety of each day included in the segment.
    5. Click Save.
You can now view employee availability intervals in the schedule editors. You can override availability intervals based on schedule configurations.