Configuring Schedule Profile Properties

  1. Click the Scheduling Configuration tab.
  2. To use forecast and sales data from Oracle MICROS Forecasting and Budget to generate staffing requirements for scheduling, select Enable Auto Scheduling.
  3. To use shift pools, select Enable Shift Pool.
    If an employee cannot work a scheduled shift, the employee can add the shift to a pool so another employee can pick up the shift.
  4. In the Max Number of Time off Requests a day field, enter the maximum number of requests per employee that the scheduler accommodates.
  5. Configure the following schedule exceptions, or situations where the schedule requires additional adjustments:

    Table 13-3 Schedule Exceptions

    Field Description

    Enable overlapping shifts

    Select Manual to allow configuring hours with more than one shift. For example, you can configure a 10 AM to 4 PM lunch shift, and a 3 PM to 10 PM dinner shift.

    Enable 'On call' employees if requirements are not fulfilled

    Select Manual to allow scheduling On Call employees, or employees that are available to fill spots in the schedule when needed.

    Enable 'Not Available' employees if requirements are not fulfilled

    Select Manual to allow scheduling employees set as unavailable to fill spots in the schedule.

    Select Exclude Minors if this option should continue to enforce unavailability for minor-aged employees.

    Enable 'Overtime' employees

    Select Manual to allow scheduling employees even if they would be paid overtime wages.

    Enable placeholders to be allocated to the shifts

    Select Manual to allow creating and scheduling placeholder employees to indicate that additional resources are required.

  6. Configure the following scheduling parameters, or options that can be enforced for automatic generation or manual configuration:

    Table 13-4 Other Scheduling Parameters

    Field Description

    Enable schedule breaks

    Select how the schedule incorporates break period configurations into the schedule.

    Enable break costs

    Select Manual to allow payroll calculations to incorporate the cost of scheduled breaks.

    Enable skill levels

    Select how the schedule incorporates skill level requirements and the configured skill level of each employee.

    Apply Set Schedule

    Select Auto to automatically generate a set schedule every week.

    Prohibit scheduling of shifts greater than max hours of employee

    Select Manual if you do not want to enforce the maximum work hours configured for the employee or location’s labor rules.

    Select Exclude Minors to enforce the maximum work hours for minor-aged employees.

    Prohibit scheduling of shifts less than min hours of employee

    Select Manual if you do not want to enforce the minimum work hours configured for the employee or location’s labor rules.

    Select Exclude Minors to enforce the minimum work hours for minor-aged employees.

    Select Suppress the warning messages for min weekly/monthly hours if you do not want Labor Management to show a warning when employees do not meet the minimum hour requirement.

    Enforce Labor Scheduled Percent

    If your environment includes Oracle MICROS Forecasting and Budget and you want to enforce flexible hour percentages, select Manual, and then enter the percentage you want to enforce. The system calculates the Forecast Sales values and enforces the value when you manually create or configure a schedule.

  7. If you enabled automatically generating schedules, configure the criteria considerations:

    Table 13-5 Scheduling Criteria Considerations

    Field Description

    Best cost

    Select whether to use the lowest possible labor cost among the available options. For example, if a site can choose between scheduling a cashier that makes $6.15 an hour and a cashier that makes $7.00 an hour, the automatic scheduler selects the cashier that makes $6.15 an hour if all other considerations are equal.

    Back to back shifts

    Select whether an employee can be scheduled for more than one consecutive shifts.

    Select Exclude Minors to exclude minor-aged employees from being scheduled for back-to-back shifts.

    Employee maximum minimum hours

    Select whether to enforce maximum weekly hours, maximum daily hours, and minimum daily hours.

    Select Exclude Minors if the threshold does not apply to minor-aged employees.

    Set auto schedule length

    Select whether to use the same length in hours for every shift.

    If you select Yes, enter the shift length in the Auto Schedule Length (Hours) field.

    Percentage of 'Time off' requests over the past period

    Select whether to maintain the same percentage of accepted time off requests as the previous schedule period.

    Percentage of 'Switch Shift' requests over the past period

    Select whether to maintain the same percentage of shift switch requests as the previous schedule period.

    Schedule 'On Call' employees

    Select whether to allow the scheduling of On Call employees, or employees that are available to fill spots in the schedule when needed.

    Schedule 'Preferred' employees

    Select whether to account for the Preferred setting for employees.

    Schedule 'Unavailable' employees

    Select whether to allow the scheduling of employees who have been set as unavailable to fill spots in the schedule.

    Day of week to begin auto schedule

    Select the day of the week to begin automated schedules, such as Monday.

  8. If you want schedules created using this profile to automatically publish without requiring review and approval, select Schedule does not require approval.
  9. To automatically approve the schedule once the schedule hits a certain time period before the start of the scheduled week, select Auto Approval. You can then enter the Number of Hours before the new schedule week begins.

    For example, if the scheduled weeks for a store begin on Monday, and you select this option and enter two, the schedule remains open and editable through the end of Friday. On Saturday, the schedule closes, generates, and is implemented for the schedule week. You can use this to implement a hard deadline for schedule changes or to implement a soft review and change process.

  10. To turn off labor cost calculations using the Labor Management API, select Disable Labor Cost Calculation (Scheduler API).
  11. To send the schedule by email when it is generated, enter an Email Address.