Combo Items Summary (Add-On Tax)

Menu item sales and performance report that shows combo item sales metrics.


The Combo Items Summary report is a menu item sales and performance report that consists of bar charts and tables that show combo and component item sales metrics. This report is for restaurants with add-on taxes.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, RES 3700, e7, Add On Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

Top 10 Combo Items by Sales Less Item Discounts Amount

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-2 Top 10 Combo Items by Sales Less Item Discounts Amount

Metric Data Format Description

Sales Less Item Discounts


Combo item sales minus item discounts on the Y axis.

Combo Item


Combo item on the X axis.

Top 10 Combo Items by Combo Sold Count

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-3 Top 10 Combo Items by Combo Sold Count

Metric Data Format Description

Combo Sold Count


Number of combo items sold on the Y axis.

Combo Item


Combo item on the X axis.

Sales by Combo Item and Component

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-4 Sales by Combo Item and Component

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.



Name of combo item or component item.

Combo Sales Less Item Discounts


Combo sales minus item discounts.

Percent of Total Combo Sales Less Item Discounts


Combo item sales as a percent of total combo item sales.

Combos Sold Count


Number of combos sold.

Menu Items Sold Count


Number of component items sold.

Percent of Total Menu Items Sold


Component item quantity sold as a percent of total component item quantity sold.

Component Usage Percent


Component item usage percent in combo items.

Sales Less Item Discounts by Menu Item

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-5 Sales Less Item Discounts by Menu Item

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.

Menu Item Name


Menu item name.

Sales Amount


Menu item sales.

Percent of Total Sales


Menu item sales as a percent of total sales.

Sales as a Combo


Menu item sales as part of a combo.

Percent of Total Sales as a Combo


Menu item sales as part of a combo as a percent of total combo sales.

Sales A La Carte


Menu item sales when sold individually. Total menu item sales minus the menu item being sold as part of a combo. If the configuration of a menu item is changed at any point during the business date at a location, either from being part of combo configurations or being removed from them, all sales of this menu item will be considered a combo item.

Percent of Total Sales A La Carte


Menu item sales a la carte as a percent of total a la carte sales.

Quantity Sold by Menu Item

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-6 Quantity Sold by Menu Item

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.

Menu Item Name


Menu item name.

Quantity Sold


Number of menu items sold.

Percent of Total Quantity Sold


Menu item quantity sold as a percent of total quantity sold.

Quantity Sold as a Combo


Number of menu items sold as part of a combo.

Percent of Total Quantity Sold as a Combo


Quantity of menu item as part of a combo, as a percent of total combo quantity sold.

Quantity Sold A La Carte


Number of menu items sold individually. Total menu item sales minus the menu item being sold as part of a combo. If the configuration of a menu item is changed at any point during the business date at a location, either from being part of combo configurations or being removed from them, all sales of this menu item will be considered a combo item.

Percent of Total Quantity Sold A La Carte


Quantity of menu item a la carte, as a percent of total a la carte quantity sold.