Daily Operations Location Comparison (Table Service Restaurant, Inclusive Tax)

Comparison report that shows sales and operating metrics for two locations.


The Daily Operations Location Comparison report consists of stacked bar charts, a bar chart, and grids that show sales and operational KPIs between two locations and calculates the variance. This report is for table service restaurants with inclusive taxes.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, RES 3700, e7, Inclusive Tax, and Table Service.

Total Revenue Variance by Sales Metrics

Visualization: Stacked bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 5-41 Total Revenue Variance by Sales Metrics

Metric Data Format Description

Total Revenue


Sales net VAT, service charges, and taxes on the Y axis.



Location selection 1 and 2 on the X axis.

Total Revenue Variance by Operating Metrics

Visualization: Stacked bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 5-42 Total Revenue Variance by Operating Metrics

Metric Data Format Description

Total Revenue


Operating margin, labor cost, and cost of goods sold on the Y axis.



Location selection 1 and 2 on the X axis.

Guest Count Variance

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 5-43 Guest Count Variance

Metric Data Format Description

Guest Count


Number of guests for location on the Y axis.



Location selection 1 and 2 on the X axis.

Check Count Variance

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 5-44 Check Count Variance

Metric Data Format Description

Check Count


Number of checks for location on the Y axis.



Location selection 1 and 2 on the X axis.

Daily Operations Comparison by Location

Visualization: Multi-grid.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 5-45 Sales Metrics

Metric Location 1 Data Format Location 2 Data Format Variance Data Format Description

Gross Sales Before Discounts

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Gross sales before discounts amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Discount Total

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Discounts amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Gross Sales After Discounts

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Gross sales after discounts amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Tax Total

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Tax total amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Sales Net VAT

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Sales net VAT amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Service Charge Total

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Service charge total amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Non-Revenue Service Charge Total



Currency and percent

Non-revenue service charge total amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Not supported for RES 3700.

Table 5-46 Operating Metrics

Metric Location 1 Data Format Location 2 Data Format Variance Data Format Description

Total Operating Cost

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Total operating cost amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Cost of Goods Sold

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Cost of goods sold amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Labor Cost

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Labor cost amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Total Operating Margin

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Currency and percent

Total operating margin amount and percent shown for location 1, location 2, and the variance between the locations.

Table 5-47 Tender Media

Metric Location 1 Data Format Location 2 Data Format Variance Data Format Description

Payment Total



Currency and percent

Payment totals shown for location 1 and location 2. Payment total and variance percent shown for variance between the locations.

Paid In



Currency and percent

Paid in totals shown for location 1 and location 2. Payment total and variance percent shown for variance between the locations.

Paid Out



Currency and percent

Paid out totals shown for location 1 and location 2. Payment total and variance percent shown for variance between the locations.

Table 5-48 Operations

Metric Location 1 Data Format Location 2 Data Format Variance Data Format Description


Integer and currency

Integer and currency

Integer and currency

Number of guests and average spend of guests.


Integer and currency

Integer and currency

Integer and currency

Number of checks and average spend per check.

Table Turns

Integer and currency

Integer and currency

Integer and currency

Number of table turns and average spend per table turn.

Average Dining Time




Average dining time.


Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Return monetary amount and count.


Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Void monetary amount and count.


Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Cancels monetary amount and count.

Error Corrects

Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Currency and integer

Error corrects monetary amount and count.

Regular Pay

Currency and time

Currency and time

Currency and time

Regular pay monetary amount and hours.

Overtime Pay

Currency and time

Currency and time

Currency and time

Overtime pay monetary amount and hours.

Sales per Labor Hour




Sales per labor hour monetary amount.

Average Hourly Pay




Average hourly pay monetary amount.