Employee Sales Mix Detail (Inclusive Tax)

Report that shows an individual employee’s sales mix information.


The Employee Sales Mix Detail report consists of bar charts and a table that shows sales details for an employee. This report is for restaurants with inclusive taxes. This report is not a standalone report, you must drill down into this report from one of these top-level reports: Employee Exceptions, Employee Productivity, or Employee Sales Mix.

Permissions: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Top 10 Menu Items by Gross Sales After Discounts

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 10-124 Top 10 Menu Items by Gross Sales After Discounts

Metric Data Format Description

Gross Sales After Discounts


Amount of sales minus all item discounts on the Y axis.

Menu Items


Menu items on the X axis.

Top 10 Menu Items by Quantity Sold

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 10-125 Top 10 Menu Items by Quantity Sold

Metric Data Format Description

Quantity Sold


Quantity sold on the Y axis.

Menu Items


Menu item on the X axis.

Sales Mix Detail For Employee

Visualization: Table.

Permissions: Sales and Operations.

Table 10-126 Sales Mix Detail For Employee

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.



Name of employee, major group, family group, or menu item.

Gross Sales Before Discounts Total


Amount of total gross sales before discounts.

Discounts Total


Amount of total discounts.

Gross Sales After Discounts Total


Amount of sales minus discounts.

Percent of Total Gross Sales After Discounts


Employee, major group, family group, or menu item as a percent of total sales after discount.

Quantity Sold


Number of items sold.

Percent of Total Quantity Sold


Employee, major group, family group, or menu item as a percent of total quantity sold.

Percent of Major Group Sales


Family group percent of major group sales.

Percent of Family Group Sales


Menu item percent of family group sales.

Average Price


Gross sales after discounts divided by quantity sold.