

This document is intended for customers subscribed to Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics. Permissions and report tags are listed for each report. Use this information to determine which reports to use for your business needs.


Oracle MICROS Enterprise Back Office documentation applies to the following users:
  • Users who perform day-to-day operations with Enterprise Back Office and who typically do not have permissions to configure applications.

  • Administrators who configure and maintain Enterprise Back Office. Administrators can also have permissions to configure applications.

  • System Administrators or Super Administrators who maintain Enterprise Back Office servers and configuration files, implement initial application settings and configurations, and maintain back-end processes such as automated jobs and data interfaces with third-party applications.

Customer Support

To contact Oracle Customer Support, access the Support Portal at the following URL:

When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
  • Product version and program/module name

  • Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)

  • Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create

  • Exact error message received

  • Screen shots of each step you take


Oracle MICROS product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at

Revision History

Table -1 Revision History

Date Description of Change

October 2020

Initial publication.

January 2021

  • Updated Taxes reports.

  • Added report notes.

February 2021

  • Updated System Financial reports to include link to Taxes reports.

  • Updated Daily Operations reports with additional information in the Checks section.

  • Added Daily Operations Summary reports.

June 2021

  • Updated Daily Operations reports.

  • Updated Daily Operations Summary reports.

  • Updated Tips reports.

  • Updated Employee Exceptions reports.

July 2021

  • Updated the Check Subtotals section in the Check Detail reports.

  • Updated definition of Deposits in the Daily Operations reports.

August 2021

  • Updated the Checks reports and added add-on tax and inclusive tax reports.

  • Updated Closed Checks reports.

  • Updated Check Detail reports.

  • Added Payment Status Summary report.

  • Added Payouts Summary.

  • Added Reconciliation.

  • Added Payment Transaction Detail report.

  • Added Payout Transaction Detail report.

  • Added Employee Sales Mix Detail reports.

  • Added data retention categories to each report.

September 2021

  • Updated Employee Financial Detail (Inclusive Tax) report.

  • Updated Taxes (Inclusive Tax) report with more detailed tax calculation definitions.

  • Updated Sales by Tax Type report notes.

  • Added Payroll ID to Time Card Detail reports.

  • Updated report descriptions.

December 2021

  • Added Employee Tender Totals report.

  • Added Income Audit by Discount reports.

  • Added Income Audit by Major Group reports.

  • Added Income Audit by Tender report.

  • Added Closed Checks by Tender Type reports.

  • Added Income Audit by Family Group reports.

  • Updated specialized parameter details.

  • Updated Daily Operations table service reports.

  • Updated Daily Operations Summary table service reports.

March 2022

  • Updated description of drill-down reports to list their top-level reports.

  • Updated Check Detail (Inclusive Tax) report.

  • Updated Taxes (Inclusive Tax) report with tax information.

  • Updated System Financial (Inclusive Tax) report tax information.

  • Updated Report Variations.

June 2022

  • Added Chargeback Summary report.

  • Added Chargeback Detail report.

July 2022

  • Added Common Calculations and Definitions.

September 2022

  • Added Transaction and Payout Variances report.

  • Added Example for Checks Carried Over, Checks Begun, Checks Paid, and Outstanding Checks.

  • Updated Daily Operations report notes and outstanding check calculation.

  • Updated Daily Operations Summary report notes and outstanding check calculation.

  • Updated Checks report outstanding check calculation.

  • Updated System Financial report outstanding check calculation and report notes.

  • Updated Check Detail reports.

January 2023

  • Updated Check Detail reports.

  • Updated Using this Guide.

  • Updated Daily Operations reports.

  • Updated Other Metrics.

  • Updated Service Performance reports.

  • Updated Time Card Adjustments for an Employee with definition for Adjusted Date and Time.

April 2023

  • Added Non-Revenue report.

  • Updated Open Checks.

  • Updated Time Card Detail.

  • Updated Tips and Service Charge Metrics.

  • Updated Sales Metrics.

  • Updated Daily Operations reports.

  • Updated Daily Operations Summary reports.

  • Updated System Financial reports.

  • Updated Daily Operations Revenue Center Comparison reports.

  • Updated Employee Financial Detail reports.

June 2023

  • Updated Tips reports.

  • Updated Payment Transaction Detail.

  • Updated Payout Transaction Detail.

October 2023

  • Added Processed Customer Transactions.

  • Updated Data Retention Limits.

November 2023

  • Updated All Checks with a Menu Item.

  • Updated All Checks with a Discount.

December 2023

  • Updated Service Metrics.

May 2024

  • Added Adjusted Time Cards

  • Added All Checks for an Order Channel

  • Added Order Channel Sales Mix reports

  • Added Order Channel Employee Sales reports

  • Added Order Channel Sales and Operations reports

  • Added Time Card Adjustment Details

  • Added Unacknowledged Adjustments

  • Updated All Checks for an Employee

  • Updated All Checks with a Menu Item

  • Updated Check Detail

  • Updated Combo Items Summary

  • Updated Daily Operations

  • Updated Daily Operations Date Comparison

  • Updated Daily Operations Revenue Center Comparison

  • Updated Key Performance Indicator Comparison

  • Updated Kitchen Performance

  • Updated Kitchen Display Orders by Check

  • Updated Open Checks

  • Updated Operations Analysis

  • Updated Other Metrics

  • Updated Service by Weekday

  • Updated Service Performance

  • Updated Speed of Service

  • Updated System Financial

  • Updated Service Metrics.

  • Updated Using this Guide.

June 2024

  • Updated Employee Financial Detail.