Sales Comparison Over Three Dates (Add-On Tax)

Comparison report that shows sales data across multiple dates.


The Sales Comparison Over Three Dates report consists of pie charts and a table that show sales from three different date ranges by location, revenue center, and day part. This report is for restaurants with add-on taxes.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, RES 3700, e7, Add On Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

<Date Range> Net Sales by Location

Visualization: Pie chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Each pie chart includes a maximum of 11 slices. The top 10 locations each have a slice and all other locations are combined into the final slice.

Each date range is represented by a pie chart, for a total of three pie charts.

Table 5-127 <Date Range> Net Sales by Location

Metric Data Format Description



Net sales for location as a percent of net sales for all locations.



Net sales for all other locations as a percent of net sales for all locations.

<Date Range> Net Sales by Revenue Center

Visualization: Pie chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Each pie chart includes a maximum of 11 slices. The top 10 revenue centers each have a slice and all other revenue centers are combined into the final slice.

Each date range is represented by a pie chart, for a total of three pie charts.

Table 5-128 <Date Range> Net Sales by Revenue Center

Metric Data Format Description

Revenue Center


Net sales for revenue center as a percent of net sales for all revenue centers.



Net sales for all other revenue centers as a percent of net sales for all revenue centers.

Sales by Location, Revenue Center, and Day Part

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 5-129 Sales by Location, Revenue Center, and Day Part

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.



Name of location, revenue center, or day part.

Net Sales (1)


Amount of net sales for date range 1.

Percent of Total Sales (1)


Percent of total sales for date range 1.

Net Sales (2)


Amount of net sales for date range 2.

Percent of Total Sales (2)


Percent of total sales for date range 2.

Net Sales (3)


Amount of net sales for date range 3.

Percent of Total Sales (3)


Percent of total sales for date range 3.

Business Date Comparison Selections

Visualization: Grid.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Lists the three date selections.