Unacknowledged Adjustments

Report that shows unacknowledged time card adjustments.


The Unacknowledged Adjustments report is a report that consists of a grid and a table that show time cards that have unacknowledged adjustments. This report is not a standalone report, you must drill down into this report from the Adjusted Time Cards report.

Permission: Labor, View Time Card Detail, and Employee Identifiable Information.

Data Retention Category: Time Cards. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Employee Information

Visualization: Grid.

Permission: Labor, View Time Card Detail, and Employee Identifiable Information.

Table 10-163 Employee Information

Metric Data Format Description



Employee name.

Payroll ID


Employee’s payroll ID number.

Time Card Adjustments

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Labor, View Time Card Detail, and Employee Identifiable Information.

Table 10-164 Time Card Adjustments

Metric Data Format Description

Clock In Date and Time

Date and Time

Date and time employee clocked in.

Last Adjusted Date and Time

Date and Time

Date and time of last time card adjustment.




Clock In

Date and Time

Date and time of employee clock in.

Clock Out

Date and Time

Date and time of employee clock out.

Job Code


Employee’s job code.

Direct Tips


Employee’s direct tip amount.

Indirect Tips


Employee’s indirect tip amount.