Preparing for People Management

People Management uses the enterprise level defined in Reporting and Analytics to determine a person’s access to locations. A person cannot perform transactions or make configuration changes in locations that are not within their assigned enterprise level’s scope. Before using People Management, reconcile user accounts between the Simphony Enterprise Management Console (EMC) and Reporting and Analytics. Then, review your organizational hierarchy in Reporting and Analytics because some properties that were previously set up in the Simphony EMC may not be assigned to a level in Reporting and Analytics. All locations in Reporting and Analytics need to be assigned to a level. Also, there can only be one level with No Parent assigned.

Reconcile User Accounts

In the Simphony EMC, go to the Employee Maintenance tab for your enterprise. Compare the values in the User Name column with the user records in Reporting and Analytics. To create a single person record in People Management, the user names and email addresses in the EMC and Reporting and Analytics must match. If there is a mismatch between the two systems, People Management generates a duplicate person record. A person can resolve a duplicate record the first time they sign in by confirming account details or changing their user name. If a person's account does not have an email address, the person is prompted to enter one when signing in.

Review Organizational Hierarchy

In Reporting and Analytics, click Configuration, click Portal Admin, click Organizational Structure, click Relationships, and then filter by parent. If there is only one location with a value of No Parent, no action is required. If there is more than one location with a value of No Parent, use the following table as a guide to make organizational hierarchy changes:

Scenario Description Corrective Actions

Locations not assigned to a level

  • Live locations are assigned to a level.

  • Live locations are in a hierarchy with only one top level.

  • One or multiple “test”, “lab”, or “closed” locations are not part of the hierarchy.

  • Create a new level – this level will become the new top level.

  • Assign the previous top level to the new level.

  • Assign all unassigned locations to the new level.

As a result, existing people will not see the newly assigned locations in filters or on reports and only people with the Hierarchy Admin role will see those locations and people assigned to them.

Live locations are not assigned to a level

  • Some live locations are assigned to a level.

  • Some live locations are in a hierarchy with only one top level.

  • One or multiple live locations are not part of the hierarchy.

  • Assign the locations with No Parent to an appropriate level.

  • If needed, create a new level and assign the locations to the new level.

  • Keep in mind that people assigned to an existing organization level get access to the sales of the locations once they are assigned to an existing level.

Orphaned levels with No Parent and no locations assigned

  • Live locations are assigned to a level.

  • Live locations are in a hierarchy with only one top level.

  • One or multiple “test”, “lab”, or “closed” locations are not part of the hierarchy.

  • Levels with no locations assigned and No Parent have no functionality and can be deleted.

  • People assigned to those levels need to be re-assigned to another location or level.

No common overarching corporate level

  • Multiple individual hierarchies exist.

  • Multiple levels have locations assigned, but No Parent level.

  • For example, an individual franchisee, region, or a separate hierarchy for test locations.

  • Create a new level – this level becomes the new top level.

  • Assign all the previous top levels to the new level.

  • As a result, existing people will not see the newly assigned locations in filters or on reports and only people with the Hierarchy Admin role will see those locations assigned to them.