
In Vendors, you have the ability to create new vendors, edit existing vendors, group vendors together categorically, assign taxes, specify currency, and many more functions. The B2B interface is configured by each individual vendor.

To view the Vendors module, you must have the user right. See Master Data User/Role Rights for more details.

To view vendors, navigate to Inventory Management, click Master Data, and then click Vendors. Search for the vendor and then select it to edit the B2B configuration settings.

When creating a new vendor or updating an existing one, you can edit information in some tabs while other tabs are preconfigured and should not be edited without first contacting Oracle Support. The tabs include:
  • Edit Vendor: define taxes, currency and address information for the vendor.

  • Order Settings: define how the order is sent to the vendor.

  • Delivery Settings: define how vendor receipts should be handled.

  • B2B General: the main area to enter general B2B vendor information. See Configuring B2B Settings for a Vendor for more details.

  • B2B Item Catalog: This is used to import items and prices from the vendor and link those with vendor purchase items in Inventory Management. For additional support configuring these fields, contact Oracle Support.

  • B2B Ordering: enter parameters that define how the purchase order file will be sent to the vendor.

  • B2B Receipt: enter B2B settings for receipts sent by the vendor.

  • B2B Acknowledgements: define the SFTP parameters and file parameters to automatically process order acknowledgements.

  • B2B Order Cycles: enter B2B settings to import order cycles from the vendor.

  • External Logistics: Oracle configures these fields. If changes are needed, contact Oracle Support.