Configuring B2B Item Catalog for a Vendor

  1. Click Master Data and then click Vendors.
  2. Click the Vendor to update, click the B2B Item Catalog, and then enter the following information:
    • File Path: Enter the file path for processing local orders (provided by Oracle consulting).

    • File Mask: Enter the vendor’s file mask.

    • Item Catalog import template: Enter the name of the template you are using, for example cat.edi.template.

    • (Optional) Process Order Guides (Article Catalog) via Scheduler: Select to check for and import item catalogs from the vendor, as scheduled.

    • (Optional) On Automation File Processing - Compare/Update Prices: Select to automatically update vendor purchase item prices.

    • (Optional) Send Internal Notification To: Select users who should receive a notification email after processing.

    • (Optional) Vendor E-Mail Notification Address: Enter the vendor's email address for notification after processing.

    • (Optional) Consider inactive Vendor Items: Select to process vendor purchase items which are marked as inactive in Inventory Management.

  3. Click Item Catalog FTP and then enter the FTP settings fields. See Configure FTP Settings for more information.

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