1 Feature Summary

This chapter describes the feature enhancements in this release.

Noteworthy Enhancements

This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in the Oracle CrowdTwist Loyalty and Engagement update and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Column Definitions

  • Feature: Provides a description of the feature being delivered.

  • Module Impacted: Identifies the module associated with the feature, if any.

  • Scale: Identifies the size of the feature. Options are:

    • Small: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

    • Large: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

  • Delivered: Is the new feature available for use immediately after upgrade or must the feature be enabled or configured? If no, the feature is non-disruptive to end users and action is required (detailed steps below) to make the feature ready to use.

  • Customer Action Required: You must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them.

Table 1-1 Noteworthy Enhancements

Feature Scale Delivered Customer Action Required?





Editing an Existing Survey, Poll, and Quiz

Users with the write permission for Surveys, Polls, and Quizzes can now modify the questions and answers to existing items after a survey, poll, or quiz has gone live and answers are received. To ensure the integrity of the questionnaire, questions and answers cannot be added or removed. Only text modifications are allowed, in the event of a typo or formatting error.

This image displays a sample survey question with four options to choose from. The sample survey question has a typo, indicating the need for modification.