Workstation 8 Series Stands and Mounts

All Workstation 8 Series stands and mounts feature identical Release, Lock/Unlock, and Stand Information Contacts, allowing you to rapidly swap stands and workstations without worrying about compatibility.

Figure 4-1 Location of the Release, Lock/Unlock, and Stand Information Contacts on a Workstation 8 Series Stand

This figure shows the locations of the Lock/Unlock socket, Release button, and Stand Information Contacts.

Table 4-1 Release, Lock/Unlock, and Stand Information Contacts

Feature Description

1. Release

This figure shows the Release button on a Workstation 8 Series stand.

Press the Release button with the Oracle 2.5mm hex key or equivalent to release the workstation from the stand.

Note: Secure the workstation when pressing the Release button to prevent sudden drops.

If the workstation does not release from the stand, insert the Oracle 2.5mm hex key or equivalent into the Lock/unlock socket, turn counterclockwise, and then press the Release button.

2. Lock/Unlock

This figure shows the lock/unlock socket on a Workstation 8 Series stand.


Use of the Lock feature is optional.

Lock: Insert the Oracle 2.5mm hex key or equivalent into the Lock/Unlock socket and turn clockwise to lock the workstation.

Unlock: Insert the Oracle 2.5mm hex key or equivalent into the Lock/Unlock socket and turn counterclockwise to unlock the workstation.

Note: To release the workstation from the stand after unlocking it, press the Release button.

3. Stand Information Contacts

This figure shows the Stand Information Contacts on a Workstation 8 Series stand.

When paired with any Workstation 8 Series workstation, the stand information contacts transmit stand-specific information, including part and serial numbers.