1 About This Recipe

Use this recipe to import timecards created in Oracle MICROS Labor Management (LM) to Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) Time and Labor for further payroll processing.


This recipe is available as Oracle MICROS Labor Management - Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Time and Labor | Timecard Sync in the Integration Store. Oracle provides this recipe as a sample only. The recipe is meant only for guidance and is not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for this recipe.


This recipe integrates Oracle MICROS Labor Management (LM) with Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) Time and Labor. It syncs timecards created in LM with HCM Time and Labor which can then be used for processing payroll in the Oracle Financials Cloud.

This recipe is an application driven recipe that retrieves the LM timecard exports from a designated file transfer protocol (FTP) server and pushes the records into HCM Time and Labor through the HCM Rest API.

To use the recipe, you must install the recipe package and configure the connections and other resources within the package.

The recipe package contains two integration flows:

  • Oracle MICROS LM to Oracle HCM Timecard sync: Imports employee Timecards from LM to HCM for Payroll Processing. When run it downloads the timecard files from the FTP server, processes the timecards, and invokes the Oracle MICROS HCM Timecard Import integration to create them in HCM Time and Labor.

  • Oracle MICROS HCM Timecard Import: This integration is called by Oracle MICROS LM to Oracle HCM Timecard sync. The integration invokes HCM's REST API to import Timecards into HCM Time and Labor.

System and Access Requirements

  • Oracle Integration Cloud, Version or higher

  • An account on Oracle Integration with the Service Invoker role to configure the recipe

  • Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, Version 21D or higher

  • Oracle MICROS Labor Management, Version 9.1


  • This recipe only creates the timecards in Oracle HCM Time and Labor. Further configuration is required to process the timecards for payroll processing in Oracle Financials Cloud.

  • Recipe integration includes the minimal data mapping required to synchronize the data. Recipe consumers can have additional mappings based on their requirements.

  • Recipe integration includes a sample of error handling and applicable notifications. Robust error handling based on the customer has to be implemented by the recipe consumer.

  • Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) lookups are used to store environment specific values/configurations and cross references. Recipe consumers can choose to either retrieve the values using additional invokes or continue to use the lookups as per the requirements.