Assign Revenue Centers to an Account

Link revenue centers to an account so that funds are routed to the correct bank account.

Required system privilege: Add/Edit Accounts


  • You must be the owner of the account to assign revenue centers.

  • You must have access to the revenue center to assign it.

  • A revenue center can only be assigned to one account.

  • A single account holder should have less than 10,000 revenue centers associated with it. Make sure that the sum of all revenue centers linked to accounts associated with one account holder does not exceed 10,000 stores.

  • A revenue center must belong to the same country as the account holder to assign it to an account.

  • You must complete the following fields in Simphony EMC or the revenue center will be marked as Incomplete:
    • Phone Number (numeric only with no spaces)

      • 10 digits (US)

      • 6-20 digits (UK)

    • Postal Code (alpha-numeric, spaces, no special characters)

      • 5 numeric digits, no spaces (US)

      • 5-8 characters including space (UK)

    • Address 1

    • City

    • Country

    • Region/State

    See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for information on adding properties.

  • The revenue center’s address can’t be changed after it has been assigned to an account. Changes made to the address details in Simphony EMC after the revenue center has been assigned are not reflected in the terminal assignment address view.

  1. In Payment Cloud Service, click the Accounts tab, and then select the account you want to assign a location to.
  2. Click Revenue Centers and then click Assign Revenue Centers.
  3. Select one or more revenue centers.
    You can filter the results by name, reference, or level and then click Search.
  4. Click Assign to complete the process.