Adjust Closed Check

Adjust a closed check and void the refund to withdraw an amount from a card and then pay in cash.

  1. Log in to workstation 01.
  2. Start a transaction. For example, Check 1.
  3. Select Void Transaction.
  4. Select a non-revenue service charge.
  5. Select CC Refund, and then tap, swipe, or insert the credit card (for example, a Visa card), and then enter the exact amount to refund (for example, $10.00).
    The PED lights up prompting for the card. The refund is successful, the credit card vouchers for the refund are printed, and the authorization and payment refund details are displayed in the Check Detail Area. The credit card is increased by the refunded amount and is visible in the customer’s card statement.
  6. Select Adjust Close Check.
  7. Select the previous check. For example, Check 1.
  8. Highlight the CC refund payment in the Check Detail Area. For example, the Visa card.
  9. Select Void.
  10. Select CC Refund to attempt to pay the transaction.
    The message Error. Tender Refund Not Allowed with Existing Authorizations or Credit Payments appears.
  11. Select Cash to pay off the transaction.
    The void refund is successful, the credit card vouchers for the void are printed, and the authorization and payment reversal details are displayed in the Check Detail Area. The card used to reopen the transaction is decreased by the original transaction amount of voided credit card refund payment and the details are visible in the customer’s card statement.