Redeem Gift Card

Guests can use a gift card to pay for some or all of their check. Menu items must be on the check before redeeming a card. If gift cards are configured, you can click the Redeem Gift Card button from either the Payments page or the Check Functions/Transactions page.

  1. Begin a check and add menu items.
  2. On the Payments or Check Functions/Transactions page, click Redeem Gift Card.
  3. Swipe the card or enter the card number, and then click OK.
  4. Enter the amount to redeem from the card, and then click OK.
  5. Click Yes on the Confirmation Entry dialog.

    The Gift Card Redeem amount appears on the check against the configured Tender/Media.

    Figure 4-34 Gift Card Redeem on Check Detail on Workstations and Tablets in TSR

    This figure shows the Payments page with a Gift Card Redeem listed in the check detail on the POS client for the workstation or tablet UI.