Client Application Loader (CAL)

The Client Application Loader (CAL) allows seamless distribution, installation, and maintenance of Simphony Essentials software from a CAL server to all POS client workstations and service hosts. The CAL stores software packages in the transaction database, providing a central storage location. The CAL enables POS clients to:
  • Obtain a list of configured workstations from the CAL servers.

  • Establish unique workstation IDs and network configuration (either Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or static Internet Protocol (IP) based on the information received from the CAL server).

CAL packages are a method of distributing software to the POS clients through an installation script. Rather than having to manually install software on a POS client workstation, a CAL package automates this process over the network. This increases the efficiency of deploying and upgrading POS client software on the workstation.