7 Paid In and Paid Out Operations

Paid in transactions or “loans” are used when money is added to the cash drawer, such as from floats and loans.

Paid out transactions or “pickups” are used when money is removed from the cash drawer, such as tips paid to employees in cash or payments to vendors for products.

Buttons for paid in and paid out operations appear in the POS in a section called Cash Operations on the POS Functions page. The buttons are created automatically for EMC Tender/Media records set up with a Key Type of 3 - Pickup or 4 - Loan. The button names are the same as the Tender/Media record names entered in the EMC, as illustrated in the following figure. If there are no Pickup and Loan type tenders, the Cash Operations section does not appear.

Figure 7-1 EMC Pickup and Loan Tender Records Corresponding to Pickup and Loan Buttons in POS Operations

This figure shows The Tender/Media records listed in the EMC for Tips Paid, Petty Cash, Float, and Loan, and the corresponding Cash Operations buttons that appear with the same names on the POS Functions page at the workstation.

These transactions appear on the Employee Financial Report and the Property Financial Report in the configured Report Group section.