Configure Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) Payment Driver

The Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) simplifies credit card payment configuration by enabling Simphony Essentials to communicate with payment service providers (PSPs) that provide credit card processing using a single payment driver.

The SPI Payment Driver is already created with as much information as possible. Consultants configuring Simphony Essentials need to enter the variable information, such as IP addresses for the SPI Payment Driver record.

To change the Payment Driver record:

  1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click Payment Drivers.
  2. Double-click the SPI record.
  3. Click the Configuration subtab.
  4. Enter the Machine IP Address in the Primary Host field, as shown in the following field.

    Figure 6-7 Payment Drivers Module Fields

    This figure shows the Payment Drivers module with a red rectangle indicating the Primary Host line.
  5. Click Save.