Create Gift Card Service Charges

Create the following three service charge records to be used for gift card transactions:
  • Gift Card Issue

  • Gift Card Reload

  • Gift Card Activate

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Service Charges.
  2. Insert a service charge record named Gift Card Issue (use number 100 if not already used), and then double-click it to open.
  3. On the General tab, select the following Service Charge options:
    • 1 - On = Open; Off = Preset

    • 2 - On = Amount; Off = Percentage

    • 14 - Service Charge Used For Stored Value Transactions

    • 18 - Gift Certificate Sold

    Ensure that all other options are disabled.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to create Gift Card Reload (number 200 if not already used) and Gift Card Activate (number 300 if not already used) service charge records.
  6. Write down the record numbers (shown in the # column) for each of the three service charges. These numbers are used when configuring the gift card program, which occurs in an upcoming step.