Configuring Menu Item Screen Look Ups by Menu Item Master Group

You can assign a Menu Item Master Group to a SLU, which is applied to a workstation page. This feature is useful with conversational ordering as it enables easy addition to the page without hard coding individual menu items on the page. The system automatically generates the Master Group SLU button on the page.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Descriptors, and then click Menu Item Master Group SLU Names.
  2. Enter names for menu item master group screen look ups in the Text column.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Master Groups.
  5. Select the SLU assignment for each Menu Item Master Group.

    You can assign a maximum of 32 Menu Item Master Group SLUs.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration and, and then click Page Design.
  8. Double-click the transaction page on which you want the screen look up to appear on the workstation.
  9. Click Other in the Page Design toolbar, and then click Sales SLU.
  10. Select Master Group from the Type drop-down list, select SLU as the Property, and then select the menu item master group to show in the screen look up as the Value.

    The Value drop-down list shows the menu item master group screen look up names that you created in Step 2.

  11. Select the Menu Item Display Name.
  12. Click Save.