Associating a Menu Item Definition with a Tag

Menu tags need to be added in the Tags module before associating them with a menu item definition. Configuring Menu Tag Groups and Tags contains more information about adding tags.

Simphony Transaction Services Gen 2 uses tags to filter and to group menu item definitions. A menu item definition record can be associated with more than one tag. The menu item master record must have at least one menu item definition to enable the Tags tab in the Menu Item Maintenance module.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. Double-click the menu item master record corresponding to the definition to open it.
  3. Click the Tags tab.
  4. Click the Add link.

    By default, the first tag from the Tags module appears.

  5. To change the tag, click the ellipsis (), select the new tag from the list, and then click OK.
  6. To change the tag name, click inside the Tags column and edit the text.
  7. If the menu item master record has more than one menu item definition, click the Next Def Seq link, and then click the Add link again for another tag.
  8. Click Save.