Configuring Consent Messages

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click Enterprise Parameters.
  2. Click the Data Privacy tab.
  3. Enter or paste the consent message for employees in the Capture Consent Message text box, and then click Save.

    The character limit for consent messages is unlimited. The default language is English and you must first enter the consent message in English. You can then enter the message in multiple languages (depending on the languages configured in the Languages module). The language tabs that appear are those configured for the Enterprise.

  4. To enable the consent prompt, select Enable Consent Capture.

    If Enable Consent Capture is enabled, when an administrator adds a new employee, the configured consent message prompt appears in the administrator’s language. The consent must be accepted to add a new employee. If consent is denied, the employee record cannot be created nor saved.

  5. To disable the consent prompt, select Disable Consent Capture. The Capture Consent Message text box, and the No Of Days to keep Employee PII Data fields also become inactive.
  6. In the No Of Days to keep Employee PII Data field, enter the number of days after an employee withdraws consent when the system de-identifies the employee’s PII data. De-identifying deletes a person’s personal data from the system.

    Removing Personal Data from Simphony contains more information about configuring de-identification.

  7. Click Save.
  8. If prompted with a consent message for bulk updates for existing employees, click OK.

    To deny the bulk updates for existing employees, click Cancel. The data is not saved.

  9. To edit the consent message:
    1. Modify the message text, and then click Save.

      If you modify the consent message, you are prompted with the option to trigger re-capturing of consent from users.

    2. To present the updated consent message to all employees and require recapture of consent when employees log in to EMC, the workstation, the Engagement Cloud Service, or the Simphony Web Portal, click OK.
    3. On the Consent status updated successfully dialog, click OK.

      The Employee Maintenance module shows all employee records and the Is Consented option is unchecked for everyone. After an employee logs in and agrees to the modified consent message, the Is Consented option becomes checked.

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