Perform DataWire Merchant Registration

If you are using the ValueLink processor plug-in, you need to perform these steps once in POS Operations on the workstation. It is ideal if the workstation is connected to a printer.

  1. Sign in to the workstation.
  2. Click the XProcessor tab, and then click the ValueLink button.
  3. Click the function key for Balance Inquiry.
  4. Enter any number, and then click OK. The ValueLink processor begins the initialization, attempting to communicate with the ValueLink Host. After successful registration, a message appears stating that ValueLink Datawire registration has been performed. The Datawire MID, TID, and newly generated DID number appear.
  5. Print or write down the Datawire DID value as you need to update the Content configuration file with this number.
  6. In the EMC, select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click Content.
  7. Double-click the ValueLinkHost.valuelink row.
  8. Scroll to the Datawire tag, and enter the new DID number between the <DID> and </DID> tags.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Update or reload your database on the workstation to ensure that the changes apply to the workstation.

    Updating Workstations After Configuration Changes in the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide contains information about this process.