1 Introduction

Oracle MICROS Simphony uses shared services to manage on-premises, operations functionality. These services ensure maximum availability and prevent Internet failures from causing outages and functionality loss. Using either point of sale workstation hardware or dedicated machines to run the shared services allows customers to optimize performance, cost, and resilience to meet their goals.

Many factors influence the shared services configuration, including:
  • Transaction volume

  • Point of sale client count

  • Application feature usage, such as:

    • Kitchen management

    • Labor management

    • Table management

  • Resilience

  • Available hardware

  • Network topology

Simphony manages properties ranging in size from a single POS client to large resorts, casinos, theme parks, or stadiums with hundreds of POS and Kitchen Display System clients. As the number of clients and features used by a property increase, so do the hardware requirements for the devices hosting the services.

For small sites, shared services are commonly run on the POS client hardware (for example, an Oracle MICROS Workstation 610). For large sites, shared services are commonly run on a dedicated physical or virtual device.

Use the information contained within this document to select the shared services deployment model that best suits the operation’s requirements.