Menu Item Waste Reports

Menu Item Waste Reports provide a list of discarded or donated menu items. You can generate waste reports by revenue center, menu item, employee, and waste reason. The following Menu Item Waste Reports are available:
  • Waste Detail Report

  • Waste Summary Report

  • Employee Waste Report

  • Menu Item Waste Report

The Waste Detail Report shows in-depth information about wasted menu items grouped by the waste reason, as described in the following table. You can filter the report data by waste reason.

Table 4-1 Waste Detail Report

Column Shows

Check #

  • The reason for discarding or donating the menu items.

  • The total number of menu items discarded or donated for the same waste reason.


The name of the employee that created the waste check.

QTY Menu Item

The quantity discarded or donated followed by the name of the menu item.


The price of the discarded or donated menu items.

The Waste Summary Report shows an overview of the menu items wasted and the corresponding waste quantity grouped by the waste reason, as described in the following table. You can filter the report data by waste reason.

Table 4-2 Waste Summary Report

Column Shows

Waste Reason

  • The reason for discarding or donating the menu items.

  • The employee who created the waste check.

  • The name of the discarded or donated menu items.


  • The quantity of menu items discarded or donated.

  • The total number of menu items discarded or donated for the same waste reason.

The Employee Waste Report shows a summary of the waste checks created by each employee, as described in the following table. When you filter the Employee Waste Report for an employee, the report shows a summary of the waste checks created by the selected employee.

Table 4-3 Employee Waste Report

Column Shows


  • The name of the employee that created the waste check.

  • List of reasons added to the waste checks that were created by the employee.


  • The quantity of menu items that were discarded or donated for each waste reason.

  • The total number of menu items discarded or donated.

The Menu Item Waste Report shows the waste reason and the quantity of menu items wasted grouped by menu item, as described in the following table. At the end of the report, a summary of menu items wasted for each family group is shown. You can filter the report by the family group.

Table 4-4 Menu Item Waste Report

Column Shows

Item Name

  • The name of the discarded or donated menu item.

  • The reason for discarding or donating the menu item.


  • The quantity corresponding to each menu item discarded or donated.

  • The total number of menu items discarded or donated.

Family Group

The family groups of each menu item discarded or donated appear as a summary at the end of the report.


  • The number of menu items discarded or donated for each family group.

  • The total number of menu items discarded or donated.