Refunding a Deposit

  1. Press the Show Deposit function key.
  2. In the Select Deposit dialog, search for and select the appropriate deposit record, and then press the Refund button.
    You can search for deposits by:
    • Deposit ID

    • Customer’s first and last name

    • Check number

    • Phone number

    • Deposit description

    • Date range during which the deposit was created

  3. Select a refund type, and then press OK.
    The following refund types are supported:
    • Forfeited

    • Full Refund

    • Partial Refund

    • Refund Percentage

  4. If making a Partial Refund, enter the amount to return, and then press OK.


    When a Partial Refund is applied, references to the deposit no longer appear on screen.
  5. If making a Percentage Refund, enter the percentage to return, and then press OK.
  6. To print a Deposit Report, in the Deposit Detail dialog press Print.
  7. In the Deposit Detail dialog, press Apply, and then tender the check.