Starting and Ending an Event

You must have the privileges to manually start and end an event.

Events that are configured to automatically start or end will do so automatically at the preset date and time. No manual intervention is needed.

When a workstation is offline and has no connection to the Check and Posting Service (CAPS), events cannot start or end (automatically and manually).

  1. Sign on to the workstation.
  2. To manually start an event:
    1. Click the function key to select an event.
    2. Select the event to start, and then click OK.
  3. To manually end an event:
    1. Click the function key to end an event.
    2. Select the event to close, and then click OK.
    3. Click Yes to confirm.
    4. If the event has open checks, click Yes to close the event with open checks remaining, or click No to cancel the closing, pick up the open checks, and then close them.

    A check can be associated with only one event. When you close an event with open checks, and then close the checks later, these checks post to the event they were associated with when opened.

    Linked events are closed at the configured time, with or without open checks.