19 Kitchen Themes

During the business day, a restaurant can open and close portions of the facility to accommodate the changing needs of its customers and trade. For example, restaurants commonly close a portion of the seats during mid-morning hours that are normally filled during the breakfast and lunch time rushes. Similarly, the bar can close at lunch time, but open in the evening for happy hour and dinner. The number of employees required during the day varies with the amount of customers and as sections or revenue centers (for example, bars, retail shops, drive-thru) open and close. The number of workstations, printers, and other peripheral devices used also changes. The manager must determine order device activity levels and time frames. If the restaurant is large, it is cumbersome to implement the changes.

Kitchen themes speeds the transition phase between shifts or active periods by storing common sets of order device configurations in a separate table in the database. Each data set or theme is assigned a name for easy identification (for example, Breakfast Theme, Lunch Theme, Dinner Theme, Happy Hour, Corporate Banquets, or Private Banquets). When a change is required, managers can change the order direction and output of the entire restaurant by activating a new theme. The system automatically copies the new settings to the appropriate device and reloads the database.

The main benefits of the kitchen themes feature are:
  • Efficiency: Simple and direct re-configuration of restaurant devices, saving time

  • Accuracy: Reduces the amount of error caused by manual re-configuration

  • Variety: No limits to the number of themes you can store

  • Flexibility: You control when the configuration changes

  • Consistency: Repeatable results