Example of a Pre-Production Chit

Pre-Production chits are formatted differently than conventional order output to remote printers. The text * TO BE PREPARED * prints by default on each chit (with the Order Type showing directly beneath it), prior to the Dining Course name (if enabled), and then the quantity ordered is printed adjacent to each ordered menu item.

When the RVC Parameters option 70 - Enable Hold and Fire is enabled, and a check is held, once the check is picked up, the text * CLAIMED * prints on the chit.

See Setting the Hold and Fire Option for more information about enabling this functionality.

If enabled, the Dining Course Name prints and also adheres to the Print Classes settings, whereby if the 4 - On = Red, Off = Black option is enabled, the Dining Course name prints in red, and prints in black if disabled.

Here is an example of a Pre-Production Chit:

Figure 44-3 Example of a ‘TO BE PREPARED’ Pre-Production Chit

This figure shows an example of a printed ‘TO BE PREPARED’ Pre-Production order chit.

Figure 44-4 Example of a ‘CLAIMED’ Pre-Production Chit

This figure shows an example of a printed ‘CLAIMED’ Pre-Production order chit.