Configuring the Purge Order Threshold for Open Checks

A restaurant manager may want the system to void and cancel all open checks. When an open check is purged, detail on the check is voided and the check is canceled. The void is applied to the last transaction operator associated with the check and the void is performed by the workstation that owns it.

Checks that are open on a workstation, and checks containing a tender or credit authorization are not purged. If a check is owned by an offline workstation, it is not purged until the workstation is back online.

To access the RVC Parameters module and configure this feature, you must be assigned View and Edit employee privileges (using the Roles module). See the Employees and Privileges chapter for more information about configuring employee roles and EMC access privileges.

  1. Select the revenue center, click Setup, and then click RVC Parameters.
  2. On the General tab, enter a time value in the Purge Order Threshold (in Minutes) field.

    The minimum Purge Order Threshold is 30 minutes. Set the value to 0 (zero) to disable the purge feature.

    POS Operations scans for old checks every 5 minutes, so a check could be up to 34:59 old before it is purged.

  3. Click Save.