Configuring Check Handling For Closing Checks With Held Items

  1. Select the property, click Configuration, and then click Tender/Media.
  2. Double-click a Service Total tender record to open it.
  3. Click the Options tab, and then click the Ops Behavior subtab.
  4. In the Tender Media Hold Types section, select a Hold Type for each type of Service Total tender used when making a payment and closing a guest check. The following table describes the Hold Types and their affect on the workstation messages.

    Table 34-6 Hold Types and Workstation Messages

    Hold Type Workstation Message When Closing a Check with Items on Hold

    0 - Fire Order

    Select this option to send all items on hold to the order devices. This is the default Hold Type.

    1 - Keep Held Status

    Select this option to show a message asking the workstation operator whether to send the items on hold to the order devices or to close the check without sending the items.

    2 - Hold Order

    Select this option to show a message asking the workstation operator whether to send the items on hold to the order devices or to close the check without sending the items.

  5. Click Save.