2 Pre-Installation Tasks

The following table lists the database platform pre-installation tasks that must be performed on the Simphony application and database server (or servers).

If you are performing an upgrade from a version prior to the Simphony 19.4 release (or importing a database after a fresh installation), see the Cloud Services Post-Installation or Upgrade Guide (specifically the Simphony Upgrade Procedures section) for important pre-upgrade task information.

Table 2-1 Pre-Installation Tasks for Simphony

Pre-Installation Task Instructions

Obtain the Simphony and Reporting and Analytics (R&A) software installation media and the latest patch set software (as needed). Install R&A separately from Simphony using the Enterprise Back Office R&A installation application.

For instructions on obtaining software, see Obtaining Installation and Patch Set Software. See the Enterprise Back Office Installation Guide, specifically the Installing Reporting and Analytics section for installation instructions.

Obtain and install a database platform on the database server (or servers)

See the Oracle Food and Beverage Compatibility Matrix for more information about supported databases.

Oracle Database users must manually create Tablespaces for the database. See After Installing Oracle Database 19c for information about creating Tablespaces.

For instructions on installing and setting up the Oracle Database, see Installing Oracle Database 19c.

Grant PUBLIC access for the DBMS_LOB and DBMS_SCHEDULER on the database server

The Simphony installer requires access to execute certain Oracle database packages for which public privileges are not granted. This makes it necessary to request that temporary public access be granted for the installation to run successfully, after which the public grant can be revoked and a specific schema grant be created.

Before performing a new installation, using Oracle SQL Developer, execute the following requests:



Before performing an upgrade, using Oracle SQL Developer, execute the following request:

Refer to the Oracle Database Security Guide for more information.

Install and configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

Microsoft IIS needs to be installed and configured on each Simphony and Reporting and Analytics (R&A) application server. Microsoft IIS is required to be installed in order to initiate the process to obtain and install secure certificates as outlined in the next step.

See Installing Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Features for information about configuring IIS for a Simphony system.

Obtain Certificate Authority issued certificates for use with Simphony and R&A

From within Microsoft IIS, initiate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to obtain and install a TLS 1.2 compliant Certificate Authority (CA) issued secure certificate on each Simphony application and Reporting and Analytics (R&A) server. CA issued certificates are required to be installed. Self-signed certificates are not supported.


If you are utilizing a Load balanced system, you are only required to install CA certificates on the load balanced servers, not the Simphony application servers. As stated earlier, non-load balanced environments require installed CA certificates for each Simphony application and R&A server.

For information about requesting and installing secure certificates, see Creating a Certificate Signing Request and Completing a Secure Server Certificate Installation.

Configure Log File Rollover options for Internet Information Services (IIS)

For instructions on configuring log file rollover options, refer to the Microsoft TechNet Library and search the site using: Configure Log File Rollover Options as the search phrase.

Turn on Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

To enable DEP on servers, open a Command Prompt as an Administrator and execute this command: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn and then restart the server.

Temporarily disable anti-virus software from the application and database servers just before the installation

Simphony can silently fail to install due to anti-virus software. Temporarily disable or add exclusions for anti-virus software on Simphony and database servers just before installing Simphony. You can re-enable the anti-virus software after Simphony applications and databases are installed.