Stop Deploying the Current Version

  1. Sign in to the Enterprise Management Console (EMC).

  2. Click the Enterprise, Setup tab, and then CAL Packages.

  3. Select the CAL Client packages from the CAL packages tree.

    Figure 1-1 CAL Packages Tree

    This figure shows the CAL Packages module and the CAL packages tree which is associated with all of the CAL Package deployment schedules.
  4. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.

  5. Delete the existing CAL package deployments by selecting the deployment record, and then click the Delete Deployment link.

    Figure 1-2 CAL Packages Deployment Schedules Tab

    This figure shows the CAL Packages module and the Deployment Schedules tab.
    1. Repeat this step for each of the following types of CAL packages listed in the CAL packages tree:

      • Service Host Download

      • Service Host Prereqs

      • Service Host

    2. For users of a Kitchen Display System (KDS), delete the following CAL package deployments listed in the CAL packages tree:

      • Simphony KDS Client

      • KDS Handler

      • WS KDS Display

  6. Click Save.