Send New CAL Client Package to All Devices

  1. Sign in to EMC.
  2. Click the Enterprise, Setup tab, and then CAL Packages.
  3. Select All from the CAL packages tree.
  4. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
  5. Click the Add Deployment link.

    Figure 1-3 CAL Packages Deployment Schedules Tab

    This figure shows the CAL Packages module Deployment Schedules tab, specifically the Add Deployment link.
  6. Click the down arrow under Choose CAL Packages to upload to access the drop-down list, select CAL, and then select [file name] for the version of Simphony you are upgrading to. The (xxx) refers to the version number.

    Figure 1-4 CAL Package to Upload Window

    This figure shows the Add Deployment screen for selecting CAL Packages and the deployment type.
  7. With the Deployment Type set to the default setting of 1 - Property/Enterprise, click the ellipsis ‘’ adjacent to the drop-down list.
  8. Select your property from the list, and then click OK to close the Select Properties list. Click OK again to close the CAL package selection window.
  9. Verify the Action to Take column shows Install, and then click Save.

    Your workstations should begin receiving the CAL client updates.