For CAPS on IIS Workstations


The following steps are only required if your location has configured a CAPS on Internet Information Services (IIS) workstation.
  1. Sign in to EMC.
  2. Click the Enterprise, Setup tab, and then CAL Packages.
  3. Select All from the CAL packages tree.
  4. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
  5. Click the Add Deployment option.
  6. Click the down arrow under Choose CAL Packages to upload to access the drop-down list, select CAPSOnIIS x.x.x, and then select [file name] for the version of Simphony you are upgrading to. The (xxx) refers to the version number.
  7. Ensure the Deployment Type is set to 2 - Specific Service Host from the drop-down list, and then click the ellipsis ‘’ adjacent to the Deployment Type drop-down list.
  8. Select the CAPSonIIS workstation client for your property, and then click OK to close the Select Specific Service Host list. Click OK again to close CAL package selection window.
  9. Verify the Action to Take column shows Install, and then click Save.

    Your CAPS on IIS workstation should begin receiving the CAPSOnIIS updates (or at the scheduled time).


    The CAPS on IIS workstation restarts multiple times while upgrading. Allow the upgrade to run uninterrupted until completed. If you see a failed message during the deployment, stop and troubleshoot immediately. If you see a message showing Local Db Max Size, press OK. You can ignore this message for now, but it is recommended you check the free space on the hard drive of the CAPS on IIS workstation after the upgrade is complete.
  10. Once the update has completed, browse to[Drive letter]:\Micros\Simphony2\CAPSOnIIS\Tools\CAPSConfigurator on the CAPS on IIS workstation.
  11. Double-tap the CAPSConfigurator, and enter the server and port number of the EGateway, and then sign in using your EMC credentials. A list of Service Hosts appears.
  12. Select the Service Host to be upgraded, and then select Upgrade CAPS.

    See CAPS Configuration Tool for more information.

  13. To validate that the CAPSonIIS configuration is successful:
    1. Sign in to EMC.
    2. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, CAL Packages, and then click the Install Status tab.

    See Check and Posting Service (CAPS) in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.