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Micros.Ops Namespace

Public classAlertContext
Public classAllowOnPopupCondimentOrderer
Public classAlphaNumericKeyboardHtmlParms
Public classAmount
This class is used to represent an amount and it contains the decimal value and string representation of this value in the current number format(Locale settings).
Public classAuthenticationRecord
Public classBarcodeValidationData
Public classBeginTableData
Initial data to pass to Begin Check
Public classBulkPropertiesChangedEventArgs
Public classBulkPropertiesChangedManager
Public classBulkPropertiesChangedManagerEventArgs
Public classBulkPropertyValueList
Public classCashierFilterParameters
Used to filter an CashierList
Public classCashierInfo
This class provides information about a cashier.
Public classCashierInfoList
A list of CashierInfo objects
Public classCheckAlertSetComparer
Public classCheckSummaryData
Check summary data
Public classCheckSummaryList
List of CheckSummaryData objects
Public classCMLogger
Public classComboMealItemsList
Public classCommandMapping
Public classCommandResult
This class is used to indicate the result of OpsCommands and other functions.
Public classDataGridRow
Public classDateTimeLocalTimeCache
Public classDefaultCheckDetailFilter
Default filter implementation. Filters using the detail item's parent type.
Public classDepositFilterParameters
Used to filter a MenuitemList
Public classDepositInfo
This class provides information about a Deposit.
Public classDepositInformation
Public classDiningTableStatusData
Public classEFeatureFlagsExtensions
Public classEmployeeClockInformation
Public classEmployeeFilterParameters
Used to filter an EmployeeList
Public classEmployeeInfo
This class provides information about an employee.
Public classEmployeeInfoList
A list of EmployeeInfo objects
Public classEmployeeRevenueCenter
Employee's revenue center
Public classEmployeeTotalsDialogRequest
Public classExportReliabiltyOpsLockUnlockWsRequest
Public classExtensibilityCheckDetailFilter
Calls into an extensibility function which determines if an item should be included/excluded in the filter. The function arguments are defined in the CheckDetailArea.FilterArguments property. A typical python script function might look like... def Func1(): filter = EventSender if filter.IsExcludeFilter: if filter.Item.DetailType == CheckDetailType.DtlTypeTmd: filter.IncludeItem = False else: if filter.Item.DetailType != CheckDetailType.DtlTypeTmd: filter.IncludeItem = False return
Public classFingerPrint
Public classFireBySeatOrCourseEventArgs
Public classKeyMapping
Public classLegacyFunctionkeyMapping
Public classListItems
Public classMenuItemFilterParameters
Used to filter a MenuitemList
Public classMenuItemInfo
This class provides information about a menu item.
Public classMenuItemSummaryData
This class holds list of MenuItemSummaryEntry
Public classMenuItemSummaryEntry
This class holds information about a Menu item
Public classNotification
Public classNotificationContext
Public classNotSupportedForSmallScreens
Public classOperaPackageAddRequest
Opera Package Add Request
Public classOperaPackageDisplayRequest
Opera Package Display
Public classOperatingSystem
Public classOpsActivityLogEntry
An entry in the Ops Activity Log.
Public classOpsAlphaEntryRequest
Request Ops display an alphanumeric data entry dialog.
Public classOpsApplyDepositRequest
Public classOpsAskClosedCheckSearchRequest
Public classOpsAskContinueCancelBackupRequest
Public classOpsAskContinueCancelRequest
Public classOpsAskReceiptYesNoPrintEmailRequest
Public classOpsAskRetryBackupRequest
Public classOpsAskRetryCancelBackupRequest
Public classOpsAskRetryCancelRequest
Public classOpsAskYesNoCancelRequest
Request Ops display a Yes/No/Cancel prompt.
Public classOpsAskYesNoRequest
Request Ops display a Yes/No prompt.
Public classOpsAskYesNoSendNowCancelRequest
Request Ops display a Yes/No/Send Now/Cancel prompt.
Public classOpsAssignEmployeeSectionRequest
Request Ops display to assign an employee to a section.
Public classOpsAssignEmployeeTableRequest
Request Ops display to assign an employee to a table.
Public classOpsAssignSectionRequest
Request Ops display assign section to a section layout.
Public classOpsAutoComboRequest
Request Ops display an Auto Combo dialog.
Public classOpsCashDrawerClosureDetectionRequest
Public classOpsCashierRequest
Public classOpsCashManagementDepositDateRequest
Public classOpsChangeDueCurrencyRequest
Request Ops display a Foreing Currency Change Due dialog.
Public classOpsChangeDueRequest
Request Ops display a Change Due dialog.
Public classOpsChangeOrderRequest
Public classOpsCheckConfirmationRequest
Request Ops display a check confirmation dialog.
Public classOpsCheckDetailFilterBase
Base class for CheckDetailFilters
Public classOpsCheckPreviewDialogRequest
Request Ops display check preview dialog.
Public classOpsCheckRequest
Request Ops display pickup check dialog.
Public classOpsChecksItemsFailedToPrintRequest
Request Ops display a check items whish are failed to print on order device / KDS.
Public classOpsChecksPrintFailedToOrderDeviceRequest
Public classOpsComboSelectionRequest
Request Ops display a Combo Selection dialog.
Public classOpsCommand
An OpsCommand is the primary means for user controls and extensibility applications to instruct OPS to perform an action.
Public classOpsCommandAttributeAttribute
Public classOpsCommandLegacyKeyCodeAttribute
Public classOpsCommandManager
Public classOpsCommandNonReentrantAttribute
Public classOpsCommandNotUserConfigurableAttribute
Public classOpsConsPayPackageDetail
Opera Package Detail FPS-40895 - Created
Public classOpsConsPayPackageDetailPackageInfoItem
Public classOpsConsPayPackageList
Opera Package List FPS-40894 - Created
Public classOpsConsPayPackageListPackageItem
Public classOpsConsPayPreAuthGuestNames
Public classOpsConsPayPreAuthRequest
Opera Pre Authorization for Room/Surname
Public classOpsConsPayReservations
Opera Package List FPS-44657 - Created
Public classOpsConsPayReservationsReservation
Public classOpsContentRequest
Public classOpsContext
This class provides information about the current check and the current state of OPS. Also provided is environmental information such a property, workstation and revenue center parameters, as well as methods to execute operational commands and display dialogs. This class is intended primarily for UI binding and extensibility.
Public classOpsContextCommandLogEntry
A command log entry.
Public classOpsContextCondimentGroupStatus
Public classOpsContextIndicatorAttribute
Public classOpsCountSheetRequest
Public classOpsCurrencyConversionRequest
Request Ops display a Currency Conversion dialog.
Public classOpsCustomHtmlRequest
Public classOpsCustomRequest
This class is used to request that Ops display a dialog that allows for multiple data entry areas on a single dialog. The UI resource to be displayed can be supplied, along with the data object for the dialog to bind to. Because this dialog is launched in the context of Ops, it will be notified of events such as key-presses and mag-card swipes.
Public classOpsDateEntryRequest
Request Ops display an date data entry dialog.
Public classOpsDateTimeRangeRequest
Request Ops display a Date Time Range Selector Dialog.
Public classOpsDateTimeSelectorRequest
Request Ops display a standard Date and Time Selection Dialog.
Public classOpsDestinationPrinterRequest
Public classOpsEditDepositRequest
Public classOpsEditEmpPinRequest
Request Ops display employee edit PIN dialog.
Public classOpsEmployeeIdRequest
Request Ops display employee selection dialog.
Public classOpsEmployeeMultiSelectionRequest
Public classOpsEmployeeOkCancelRequest
Request Ops display employee selection dialog with OK and Cancel buttons instead of Edit and Done buttons.
Public classOpsEmployeeRequest
Public classOpsEmployeeTimecardRequest
// FPPRT-742 | FPS-97224 | Approve Time Card Adjustments Represents an employee timecard request used for dialogs and processing commands.
Public classOpsEmployeeTrainingRequest
Request Ops display employee selection dialog.
Public classOpsEntryRequest
Base class for numeric and alpha numeric data entry.
Public classOpsErrorRequest
Request Ops to display an error dialog.
Public classOpsEventDateSelectRequest
Request Ops display an date data entry dialog. For Event selection allowing a past date
Public classOpsExceptionRequest
Request Ops to display an exception dialog box.
Public classOpsFireTimeChangeRequest
Request Ops display a Fire Time Change Selection Dialog.
Public classOpsFormattedEntryRequest
Request Ops display an formatted alphanumeric data entry dialog.
Public classOpsHoldAndFireFinalTenderRequest
Request Ops display a notification on unfired items in a guest at the final tender process
Public classOpsImageSelectionRequest
Request Ops display an image selection dialog.
Public classOpsIncEmployeeShiftRequest
Public classOpsItemVoidedRequest
Public classOpsKeyboardEntryRequest
Request Ops display a standard QWERTY keyboard.
Public classOpsKitchenThemeRequest
Request Ops display Kitchen Theme select dialog.
Public classOpsLargeDateEntryRequest
Request Ops display a Large Size Date entry dialog.
Public classOpsLegacyFunctionKeyCodeAttribute
Public classOpsLegendAreaDialogRequest
Public classOpsLockUnlockRvcRequest
Public classOpsLockUnlockWsRequest
Lock Unlock request message dialog. Uses Yes No dialog for rendering. This dialog should be displayed on the login screen (user should be signed out) Yes translates to SwitchRVC call (prompts for sign in) No Translates to Unlock call (prompts for authorization - sign in)
Public classOpsLogger
This class provides the ability to log messages of various levels of importance to the workstation log file.
Public classOpsMessageRequest
Request Ops to display an error dialog.
Public classOpsMoveTableRequest
Request Ops display to move tables from one section to another.
Public classOpsMultipleSelectionDialogRequest
Request Ops display check preview dialog.
Public classOpsMultipleSelectionDialogRequestInputData
Public classOpsMultipleSelectionWorkstationSelectionDialogRequest
Request Ops display check preview dialog.
Public classOpsNumericEntryRequest
Request Ops display a numeric entry dialog.
Public classOpsOrderDeviceRequest
Request Ops display order device selection dialog.
Public classOpsPeriodDateSelectRequest
Request Ops display an date data entry dialog.
Public classOpsPopupAlphaNumericEntryRequest
Request Ops display a popup alpha-numeric entry dialog.
Public classOpsPopupNumericEntryRequest
Request Ops display a popup numeric entry dialog.
Public classOpsPrinterTypeMultipleSelectionRequest
Public classOpsProgressRequest
Request Ops display a progress dialog.
Public classOpsQuebecSRMControlRequest
Request Ops display a list of SRM printers.
Public classOpsQuickSeatDialogRequest
Public classOpsReceptacleStatusRequest
Public classOpsRequest
Abstract base class of all Ops Request classes.
Public classOpsReservationListDialogRequest
Public classOpsRSAConfigurationRequest
Public classOpsScreenLookupGroupData
Public classOpsScrollingTextRequest
Request Ops display a text box with scrollbarfor HTML UI
Public classOpsSearchRequest
Request Ops display a search dialog.
Public classOpsSelectionEntry
This is a class that represents available selections in the Select Request dialog.
Public classOpsSelectionEntryList
Public classOpsSelectionRequest
Request Ops display a selection dialog.
Public classOpsSelectionWithTwoButtonsRequest
Public classOpsServerUnAvailabilityDialogRequest
Public classOpsShowImageRequest
Request Ops display an image
Public classOpsSortEventParameters
Public classOpsSummaryAreaRequest
Request Ops display wait list summary area items.
Public classOpsSVStandSheetRequest
Request Ops to display a StandSheet entriy Dialog
Public classOpsSysKbdRequest
Request Ops display an system keyboard entry dialog.
Public classOpsSysKbdRequestPassWd
Request Ops display an system keyboard entry dialog.
Public classOpsSystemInformationRequest
Provides information about the current Ops environment.
Public classOpsTableEstWaitTimeDialogRequest
Public classOpsTeamMemberRequest
Public classOpsTeamServiceMainDialogRequest
Public classOpsTextRequest
Request Ops display a text box with data
Public classOpsTimeEntryRequest
Request Ops display an time data entry dialog.
Public classOpsTimeSelectorRequest
Request Ops display a standard Time Selection Dialog based on 12 Hour or 24 hour format.
Public classOpsTMSSectionLayoutRequest
Request Ops display to select section layout.
Public classOpsUnassignEmployeeSectionRequest
Request Ops display Unassign employee from a section.
Public classOpsUnassignSectionRequest
Request Ops display Unassign section from a section layout.
Public classOpsUnassignTable
Request Ops display Unassign dining table from a section.
Public classOpsUpdateTable
Request Ops display to assign a dining table to a section.
Public classOpsWaitListDialogRequest
Public classOpsWaitOrCancelRequest
Request Ops display a dialog accepting a message and button
Public classOpsWaitQuoteDialogRequest
Public classOpsWorkStationControlRequest
This class contain extended methods from OpsSelectionRequest to handle workstation control command selections
Public classOrderDeviceFilterParameters
Used to filter an OrderDeviceList
Public classOrderDeviceInfo
This class provides information about an order device.
Public classOrderDeviceInfoList
A list of Order Device objects
Public classOrderDeviceRevenueCenter
Employee's revenue center
Public classPlatform
Public classPosDevices
This object contains access to all POS devices for extensibility
Public classPowerStatusFactory
Public classQuebecSRMPrinterList
Public classRearDisplay
This object provides encapsulated access to the customer display
Public classReportData
Public classSeatEditData
Public classSelectCourseData
Public classServiceAlertSetComparer
Public classStringValueAttribute
Public classSuperLiteCredentialsRequest
Public classSVStandSheetItem
Public classTablePreferenceAttribute
Public classTableSummaryEntry
Public classTeamInfo
This class provides information about a team.
Public classTeamInfoList
A list of TeamInfo objects
Public classTimedFireChangedEventArgs
Public classTMSSectionLayoutList
Public classTODO
Public classTotalsGrid
Public classTrainingEmployeeFilterParameters
Used to filter an EmployeeList
Public classTrainingEmployeeInfo
This class provides information about an employee.
Public classTrainingEmployeeInfoList
A list of TrainingEmployeeInfo objects
Public classTrainingEmployeeRevenueCenter
Employee's revenue center
Public classTranslatedTextAccessor
Public classUpdateTableCustomStateData
Dining Table Custom State
Public classUpdateTableEmployeeData
Public classUpdateTableSectionData
Public classWirelessQualityJob
Background job for reading wireless signal strength from the platform. Refactored in 19.2 to use the same job on all platforms. Original work done in TP# 154724.
Public classWirelessStatistics
Storage for all current wireless statistics. Allows for updating the "current statistics" reference quickly in the job in a single atomic operation.
Public structureMenuItemCommandData
Public delegateBulkPropertiesChangedEventHandler
Public delegateCommandThreadDelegate
A command thread delegate is the type of delegate to use for invoking methods on the command thread.
Public delegateFingerPrintOnFprDataHandler
Public enumerationAllowedField
Public enumerationCashierInfoListSortOrder
Enumeration of ways the employee list can be sorted
Public enumerationCommandCategory
Public enumerationDisplayOrientation
Public enumerationDisplayType
The display type of the application
Public enumerationEFeatureFlags
Public enumerationEmployeeInfoListSortOrder
Enumeration of ways the employee list can be sorted
Public enumerationMenuItemCommandDataSource
OpsCommand Data for SLUs and Condiment Orderer
Public enumerationMenuItemInfoListType
Public enumerationNotificationState
Public enumerationNotificationType
Public enumerationOpsActivityLogEntryType
Types of entries allowed in the Ops activity log.
Public enumerationOpsAskYesNoCancelRequestResult
Public enumerationOpsCommandType
An enumeration of all the types of supported OpsCommands.

See comments for each enumeration member to learn how to setup the OpsCommand attributes to complete setup before calling QueueCommand(OpsCommand).

Members of the enumeration flagged as "for internal use only" should not be used.

Public enumerationOpsContextIndicatorType
Public enumerationOpsCustomHtmlRequestCustomRequestTypeEnum
Public enumerationOpsEmployeeTimecardRequestResult
Public enumerationOpsNumericEntryRequestRequestEntryType
Type of numeric entry.
Public enumerationOpsRequestType
Available Ops Request Types.
Public enumerationOpsTMSSectionLayoutRequestLayoutType
Public enumerationPrinterStatus
Printer Status.
Public enumerationRequiredField
Public enumerationResult
Public enumerationRFSignalQuality
UtilsWinApi.h has maching enum There is a matching enum in PosCoreText.xml/PosCoreText.cs(generated) , ensure they are in the same order all the time.
Public enumerationTeamInfoListSortOrder
Enumeration of ways the team list can be sorted
Public enumerationTrainingEmployeeInfoListSortOrder