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ExtensibilitySPICardPaymentData Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Micros.PosCore.Extensibility.Ops
Assembly:  PosCore (in PosCore.dll)
public abstract class ExtensibilitySPICardPaymentData

The ExtensibilitySPICardPaymentData type exposes the following members.

Protected methodExtensibilitySPICardPaymentData
Initializes a new instance of the ExtensibilitySPICardPaymentData class
Public propertyAlternateTransRef
Alternate Transaction Reference previously obtained
Public propertyAuthCode
Authorization Code, if any
Public propertyCardAlias
Card Alias
Public propertyCardPresent
Card Present Flag
Public propertyCashbackAmount
Cashback Amount, if any
Public propertyEntryMode
Entry Mode Flag
Public propertyExpiryDate
Card Expiry Date YYMM
Public propertyIsReversed
Set if Reversed
Public propertyIssuerId
Card Issuer Id
Public propertyIsVoided
Set if Voided
Public propertyModificationReference
Modification Reference
Public propertyOriginalAlternateTransRef
Alternate Transaction Reference from request
Public propertyRRN
Retrieval Reference Number
Public propertySequenceNo
Sequence Number
Public propertyTenderMediaId
Tender media id, if obtainable
Public propertyTenderMediaName
Tender media name, if obtainable
Public propertyTipAmount
Tip Amount, if any
Public propertyTransAmount
Transaction Amount
Public propertyTransCurrency
Transaction Currency, numeric ISO
Public propertyTransDateTime
Transaction Local Date/Time
Public propertyTransRVCId
Id to identify which RVC a transaction is to be associated with
Public propertyTransToken
Transaction Token
Public propertyTransType
Transaction Type
See Also