Time Cards

A time card records and tracks employees’ time spent working each shift in a store. The time card records clock in and clock out time, as well as direct and indirect tips.

The manager or payroll team can:
  • Adjust a time card

  • Create a time card

An employee can:
  • Clock in

  • Clock out

  • Declare tips (optional)

Employees need to be aware of time card adjustments so as not to be surprised on payday if the paycheck differs from the expected time worked. Some labor authorities require employees to acknowledge time card adjustments made by the manager or payroll team. This reduces conflicts and liability between the employer and employee regarding time card issues. On the POS workstation upon clocking in, clocking out, or clicking the Time Card Adjustment Notification button on demand, the Time Card Changes dialog opens, notifying the employee that changes have been made to the following:
  • Clock In Date

  • Clock In Time

  • Clock Out Time

  • Direct Tips

  • Indirect Tips

  • Job

The option Time card adjustment acknowledgement required must be enabled in Labor Management to use Time Card Adjustment Notification in Simphony.